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NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 630, December 11, 1972 1/14 (7%) flesh soul clay Sierra living
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Where You and the World Meet
– Chapter 7: The Living Flesh
– Session 630, December 11, 1972 9:26 P.M. Monday

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

There is no difference between the energy that shapes your ideas and the energy that grows a flower, or that heals your finger if you burn it. The soul does not exist apart from nature. It is not thrust into nature. Nature is the soul in flesh, in whatever its materializations. The flesh is as spiritual as the soul, and the soul is as natural as the flesh. In your terms the body is the living soul. Now the soul can live, and does, in many forms — some physical and some not, but while you are material, the body is the living soul. The body constantly heals itself, which means that the soul in the flesh heals itself. The body is often closer to the soul than the mind is because it automatically grows as a flower does, trusting its nature.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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