1 result for (book:nopr AND session:625 AND stemmed:natur)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Now: When you create a mental image in your mind it is composed of the same properties just mentioned. A mental image then is also a pattern of internal sound with electromagnetic properties imbued with certain light values. In a sense, and a very real one, the mental image is incipient matter; and any structure so composed, combining the electromagnetic sound and light values, will automatically try to reproduce itself in physical existence, or materialization. (Long pause.) There is a definite connection, then, with the nature of such images and the way in which your body itself is composed.
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
(“It’s a real weird kind of inner focus. There’s a great kind of fulfilling sense of triumph, doing it, like you’re pulling stuff out of the secret nature of things. I can’t say where you go or what you do. After all this time I’m still amazed that [this book] comes out all finished,” she said. “Usually I don’t want anybody else around for this. You cut out everything else — other people would cause you to pick up on them, or be distracting….”
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(“The needs and desires of others naturally enter in,” Seth continued, “and some energy must be used to close them out. The more interested and excited [witnesses] are, of course, the more their own concerns ring out. It is difficult for Ruburt to block out these additional psychic distractions…. With strangers the sessions are often personal, however, because their own emotional reactions are so vibrant initially….”
[... 2 paragraphs ...]