1 result for (book:nopr AND session:624 AND (stemmed:"emot belief" OR stemmed:"belief emot"))

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 624, October 30, 1972 21/40 (52%) patient disease sound doctor beliefs
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Where You and the World Meet
– Chapter 5: The Constant Creation of the Physical Body
– Session 624, October 30, 1972 9:45 P.M. Monday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


[...] You are usually told that your emotions or beliefs or system of values have nothing to do with the unfortunate circumstances that beset you.


[...] A good physician is a changer of beliefs. [...] Whatever methods or drugs he uses will not be effective unless this change of belief takes place.


[...] Behind this is the psychic pattern of beliefs in which the patient often assigns to the doctor the powers of knowledge and wisdom that his beliefs have taught him he does not have. [...]


While you believe that only doctors can cure you, you had better go to them, because in the framework of your beliefs they are the only people who can help you. But the framework itself is limiting; and again, while you may be cured of one difficulty, you will only replace it with another as long as your beliefs cause you to have physical problems.


[...] If through the concentrated use of psychic energy your body is cured by such a healer, you will also simply trade those symptoms for others unless you change your initial beliefs. Now sometimes a healer or a doctor, with his effectiveness in healing a condition, will show you by inference that the healing energy was always within yourself, and this realization may be enough to allow you to change your beliefs about health entirely.


In such a case you will realize that your previous ill health was caused by your belief. [...] In the healthy areas, your beliefs are working for you.


One such image may represent one particular belief or it may stand for several. As you make lists of your beliefs you will find some of these pictures coming into your mind. [...]


We are dealing to make a point with a belief already made physical. [...] Behind all this, of course, would be the belief that caused the difficulty; but once you have brought about a group of symptoms you must be very careful that you do not begin to view your field of reality from that position. [...]


The old medicine men often dealt far more directly with the patient himself, and understood the nature of beliefs and the prime importance of suggestion. [...]


The present medical profession is sadly hampered because of its own beliefs. [...]

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