1 result for (book:nome AND session:866 AND stemmed:natur)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(“Fortunately, the power of constructive action and thought is indeed paramount in nature and in your world. Otherwise, you would simply not exist. The cooperative ventures that crisscross this community of Elmira, in biological, social, spiritual, economic, political and artistic ways are staggering. That cooperation goes unnoticed, largely, yet it rests firmly upon the stability that is characteristic within all life. Period.”)
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
I am not speaking of greatness in terms of fame, or in terms of usually understood artistic or intellectual abilities alone, but also of people whose lives have the capacity for great emotional content. I am speaking also of other natural abilities — that of dream communication, the conscious utilization of dreams and creativity in daily life. There are dimensions of human sentiment and psychological experience, that remain latent simply because you focus your attention so closely within the idea of “the norm.” Any unofficial experience must then remain bizarre, eccentric, outside of your main concerns, and ignored by your sciences (quietly).
Many children, for that matter, who are regarded as retarded by their teachers, are instead highly gifted. The same also applies to disruptive children, who are overactive and put on drugs. Their rebellion is quite natural. Autistic children, in many cases, now, are those who have picked up the idea that the world is so unsafe that it is better not to communicate with it at all, as long as their demands or needs are being met. When the child is fed and clothed and cared for, then it continues its behavior, and the behavior itself does (underlined) serve its needs.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]