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NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 4/37 (11%) cancer norm Autistic host children
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Three: People Who Are Frightened of Themselves
– Chapter 9: The Ideal, the Individual, Religion, Science, and the Law
– Session 866, July 18, 1979 9:04 P.M. Wednesday

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

First of all, if (underlined) a sperm carrying cancer entered a woman’s uterus, and if she had no intentions of getting the disease, her body’s own system would make the cancer completely ineffective. In the second place, however, referring to the article, that is not what happens to begin with — and I am somewhat at a loss to explain, simply because of certain invisible assumptions that it seems to me you must necessarily make.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

It is not simply that a cell suddenly “relaxes its defenses” against disease. As easily as I can, I will try to explain. A cell mirrors a psychological state. A cell exists by itself, as its own entity, but also in context with all of the other cells in the body. There are literally uncountable psychological states mixing and interchanging constantly, with the overall psychological stance being one of biological integrity (colon): The organism holds together, maintains its functions, and so forth.

Your body is the physical mirror of your psychological state (quietly intent). It is powered by the energy of the universe. It actually springs into being in each moment. Your mind and your body come from the same source, from universal energy. You are powered with vitality. You must seek meaning in your lives. When you lose the sense of life’s meaning, for whatever reason, this is reflected in your body. (Pause.) It is very difficult to separate all of this from the many connotations placed about disease, and I do not want the material to be misread (still intently). Cancer, for example, has become the symbol for the body’s vulnerability, in current years — the proof of man’s susceptibility to the body. It is a disease that people have when they want to die — when they are ashamed to admit that they want to die, because death seems to fly against sane behavior. If the species struggles to survive, then how can individuals want to die?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The fact is that death in its way is the culmination of life, leading toward a new birth and new experience. The cells know this. So does the heart. People cannot admit that they want to die at certain times. If they could accept the fact of their own wishes, some could even change their minds. Many do: The psychological condition changes for the better, and the body cells are no longer amiable to the cancerous condition.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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