1 result for (book:nome AND session:866 AND stemmed:belief)
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(My questions had been rearoused because of an article I’d read a few days ago in a scientific journal; in their piece the authors explained that a certain significant percentage of women can develop cervical cancer from contact with a virus carried by the sperm of males who haven’t had vasectomies — or who haven’t been sterilized, in other words. I found the whole premise or situation strange indeed, I told Jane — that the male of our species actually has the potential to pass on cancer to the female. We’ve heard of the theory before, by the way — but transmitting cancer in such a fashion seems to be one of the most deadly results that can follow from the union of a man and a woman. We became intensely curious as to how Seth would explain the whole matter, and he gave us excellent information on it. The chances for ironies abound in our belief systems, I said to Jane. What if researchers next find out that in some as-yet-unsuspected manner, the female can in turn pass on a cancer-causing virus to her mate?
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
I have mentioned before that many people have had cancer and recovered without knowing it. In your belief system, however, it is almost imperative to see a doctor in such circumstances (as Jane wrote in Note 2 for Session 805), for many fears are unsubstantiated, and the fear alone, found groundless, gives the person new life symbolically and physically.
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Women whose husbands have had vasectomies have themselves often resolved sexual problems that have bothered them. Fear is reduced in that area. (Long pause.) Cervical cancer can involve — can involve — distortions of the growth process itself, because of the complicated distortions of belief on the woman’s part. In a way the very pain of cancer — of some cancers — often acts through its intensity as a reflection of the person’s belief that life is painful, tormenting. At the same time, the pain is a reminder of feeling and sensation.
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