1 result for (book:nome AND session:825 AND stemmed:view)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 825, March 6, 1978 1/32 (3%) confounds Framework reason universe predisposed
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Framework 1 and Framework 2
– Chapter 4: The Characteristics of Framework 2. A Creative Analysis of the Medium in Which Physically-Oriented Consciousness Resides, and the Source of Events
– Session 825, March 6, 1978 9:31 P.M. Monday

[... 29 paragraphs ...]

1. Jane’s book (which is now being typeset) is The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James. See, for example, Note 2 for Session 801, and the opening notes for sessions 804 and 821.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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