1 result for (book:nome AND session:825 AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
That perception was not the sort of official sense data recognized by your sciences. Ruburt did not come to his recognition of the world’s mental source through reasoning. Neither could any ordinary physical perception have given him that information. His consciousness left his body — an event not even considered possible by many educated people. Ruburt’s consciousness merged, while still retaining its own individuality, with the consciousness of the leaves outside his window, and with the nail in the windowsill, and traveled outward and inward at the same time, so that like a mental wind his consciousness traveled through other psychological neighborhoods.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The power that fuels your thoughts has the same source. In a manner of speaking the universe as you understand it, with all the events that it includes, functions “automatically” in its important processes, as your own body does. Your individual desires and intents direct that activity of your body’s spontaneous processes — that is, your body walks across the floor at your command as a result of your wishes, even though the processes involved must happen “by themselves.”
Your intents have a great effect upon your body’s health. In the same fashion, jointly all of the people alive at any given time “direct” the events of the universe to behave in a certain fashion, even though the processes must happen by themselves, or automatically. Other species have a hand in this also, however, and in one way or another all of you direct the activity of the physical body of the world in much the same way that you [each] direct your own bodily behavior.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
To that extent then the physical universe, like each physical body, is “magical.” I use the term purposefully, for it confounds the dictates of your adult reasoning, and perhaps by so confounding what you think of as reason, I may manage to arouse within you a hint of what I refer to as the higher intellect.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
So far, I have been speaking of Frameworks 1 and 2 separately, and I will continue to do so for your convenience and understanding. Actually the two merge, of course, for your Framework 1 existence is immersed in Framework 2. Again, your body itself is constantly replenished in Framework 1 because of its simultaneous reality in Framework 2. Framework 2 is ever exteriorizing itself, appearing in your experience as Framework 1. You concentrate so thoroughly upon exterior reality, however, that you often ignore the quite apparent deeper sources of your own physical existence. As a result you deal with methods of division and categorization so completely that you lose sight of associative organizations, even though you use them constantly in your own most intimate thought processes.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]