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NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 823, February 27, 1978 2/27 (7%) myth fruit Introductory Framework chance
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Framework 1 and Framework 2
– Chapter 3: Myths and Physical Events. The Interior Medium in Which Society Exists
– Session 823, February 27, 1978 9:43 P.M. Monday

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Frameworks 1 and 2 obviously represent not only different kinds of reality in normal terms, but two different kinds of consciousness. To make this discussion as simple as possible for now, at least, think of these two frameworks or states of consciousness as being connected by “undifferentiated areas” in which sleep, dreaming, and certain trance states have their activity. Those undifferentiated areas are involved in the constant translation of one kind of consciousness into the other, and with energy transferences. You constantly process those data that come to you in your private life, and that information includes bulletins from all over the world, through your news broadcasts and so forth.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Jung’s collective unconscious was an attempt to give your world its psychological roots, but Jung1 could not perceive the clarity, organization, and deeper context in which that collective unconscious has its own existence. Reality as Framework 2 is organized in a different fashion than it is in the Framework 1 world, and the processes of reasoning are far quicker. In Framework 1 the reasoning processes work largely by deduction, and they must constantly check their own results against the seemingly concrete experience of physical events. The reasoning of the inner ego is involved with the creative invention of those experiences. It is involved with events in a context of a different kind, for it deals intimately with probabilities.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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