1 result for (book:nome AND session:822 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 822, February 22, 1978 5/32 (16%) ether ego medium Framework Plato
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Framework 1 and Framework 2
– Chapter 3: Myths and Physical Events. The Interior Medium in Which Society Exists
– Session 822, February 22, 1978 9:27 P.M. Wednesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Once scientists theorized the ether as the medium in which the physical universe existed.1 Framework 2 is the psychological medium in which the consciousness of the world exists. The word “ego” is much bandied about, and in many circles it has a poor reputation. It is, however, as I use it, a term meant to express the ordinarily conscious directive portion of the self. It is your conscious version of what you are — an excellent description, if I do say so myself (with amusement). It is directed outward into the physical world. It is also aware, however, of some of your “unconscious” activities. It is the you you identify with, so it is as aware of your dreams, for example, as you are, and it is quite conscious of the fact that its existence rests upon knowledge that it does not itself possess.

As you have an ego, fully conscious, directed toward the physical world, you also have what I call an inner ego, directed toward inner reality. You have, in other words, a portion of yourself that is fully conscious in Framework 2. The ego in your ordinary world, which again we will call Framework 1, is uniquely equipped to deal with that environment. It manipulates with rules of cause and effect and consecutive moments. It deals with an objectified reality. It can stretch its capacities, becoming far more aware of inner events than it is normally allowed to do, but its main purpose is to deal with the world of effects, to encounter events.

The inner ego is fully conscious. It is a portion of you, however, that deals with the formation of events, that glories in a rather rambunctious and creative activity that your specifications of time and place physically preclude. The unconscious, so-called, is — and I have said this before2 — quite conscious, but in another realm of activity. There must be a psychological chamber between these two portions of the self, however — these seemingly undifferentiated areas, in which back-and-forth translations can occur. Dream periods provide that service, of course, so that in dreams the two egos can meet and merge to some extent, comparing notes like strangers who perhaps meet on a train at night, and are amazed to discover, after some conversation, that they are indeed close relatives, each embarked upon the same journey though seemingly they travelled alone.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

The inner ego does the actual work that brings about the events you have decided upon. In very simple terms, if you want to pick up a book, and then do so, you experience that event consciously, though you are quite unaware of all of the inner events that occurred to bring the motion about. The inner ego directs those activities.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

2. Note 13, for Appendix 18 in Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality, contains excerpts from one of the sessions Seth has given on the inner self-conscious self.

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