1 result for (book:nome AND session:820 AND stemmed:memori)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 820, February 13, 1978 1/29 (3%) Framework technique art monotony vaster
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Framework 1 and Framework 2
– Chapter 3: Myths and Physical Events. The Interior Medium in Which Society Exists
– Session 820, February 13, 1978 9:40 P.M. Monday

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

When you are writing a regular book you draw upon associations, memories, and events that are known to you and others, that perhaps you had forgotten but that suddenly spring to mind in answer to your intent and following your associations. When an artist is painting a landscape, he might unconsciously compare hundreds of landscapes viewed in the past in multitudinous, seemingly forgotten hues that splashed upon the grass or trees, or as he seeks for a new creative combination. Art is his focus so that he draws from Framework 2 all of those pertinent data that are necessary for his painting. Not just technique is concerned, but the entire visual experience of his life.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

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