1 result for (book:nome AND session:803 AND stemmed:let)
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There’s much irony involved in the whole idea of living indefinitely. If such a possibility is ever achieved, I think that on conscious levels the members of the species will come to fear the chance of accidental death more than anything else, and that this powerful concern may seriously circumscribe behavior. For who, knowing that for all practical purposes he or she is “immortal,” will want to risk that most precious gift of all — life — by doing anything that could rudely take it away? Even contact sports, let alone activities like air, sea, or space travel, or any dangerous occupation, could be abhorred. Disease of any kind, as well as aging itself, would have to be controlled absolutely.
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2. Seth and Jane have both referred to faster-than-light effects in earlier books. Seth did so while discussing his CU’s, or units of consciousness, for instance. Albert Einstein, in his special theory of relativity, demonstrated that nothing else in the universe can quite reach — let alone surpass — the speed of light. Some physicists have theorized about certain faster-than-light “particles,” however, that by some unknown process are created traveling at such enormous velocities; thus in that way they try to get around the limits set by Einstein. There have also been recent astronomical observations of several far-distant objects that appear to be “superluminous,” or traveling considerably faster than the speed of light. These effects have yet to be satisfactorily explained.
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