1 result for (book:nome AND heading:"a vers from a psychic manifesto by jane robert" AND stemmed:leav)

NoME A Verse from *A Psychic Manifesto* by Jane Roberts 1/3 (33%) r.f.b Manifesto declaration unofficial verse
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– A Verse from *A Psychic Manifesto* by Jane Roberts

My life is its own definition.
So is yours.
Let us leave the priests
to their hells and heavens,
and confine
the scientists
to their dying universe,
with its
accidentally created stars.
Let us each dare
to open our dream’s door,
and explore
the unofficial thresholds,
where we begin.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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