1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 21 1971" AND stemmed:natur)
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Outward from your skulls, therefore, into a dimension that has no space or time, in your terms. See this pyramid extending, and whatever you find within it meet freely and with confidence. If there are rooms, then pursue them. If you see a particular person then speak or make yourself known. If you find another group of people, then relate to them in whatever way seems natural. If instead the distance seems immeasurable and the way long, then follow it. Now you are seated physically in a particular room upon an autumn night and yet these pyramids extend where seasons are not known and where autumn nights are not known and you are traveling on paths between dimensions. Therefore free your perceptions while you have the opportunity and use your consciousness naturally in the way that it is meant for you to use it, freely and with confidence and joy. Be assured of your own vitality and your own confidence to deal with all situations. Let my voice then serve even to form a portion of the pyramid so that you have even greater feelings of support. Whatever scenes come, follow them. Whatever thoughts come, follow them. Whatever rooms open, explore them. Whatever sensations you have, accept them joyfully and with confidence. Learn to use the mobility of your own consciousness joyfully and follow even further into the pyramid and into, indeed, the light of consciousness and understanding, for it reaches as a pathway between those dimensions, and it is indeed a channel between those dimensions, and it is indeed a channel between your world and other worlds that also exist. I want you then to draw energy and power from the voice and use it in your own way. Let it become whatever you want it to become and whatever you need it to become in this particular time, in this particular place in this particular probability system in which you find yourself. And if you find another self, then greet it. And if you see another face, then give a look of recognition. And if you find another brush past you then wish it well. And if you find worlds that you do not understand, then look upon them with wonder, but send your consciousness as far as it can go with great vigor, with freedom and joy. Let it go where it wants to go and travel those pathways that are native to it, that are as native to it as breath is to your physical body. Let yourself then be flooded with comprehension and with knowledge and let all those intuitive connections be made that need to be made. Let other probable selves help you as indeed you aid them. And let the self that you know realize its potential and part of All That Is. And now for the last spurt let your consciousness go still further so that you know you are sending it as far as you can, that you are using it clearly and with vigor.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]