1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 21 1971" AND stemmed:close)
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Now as Ruburt said earlier, he (Martin) is a good man and besides that I like him. Now he may not approve of Ruburt’s habits, but then Ruburt does not approve of his, and that is between he and Ruburt. As you are all used to saying, you must do your own thing in your own way. There are distortions in his thought as there are distortions in all of your thoughts. He thinks of vitality in different ways than you do, but he uses it very well. Now when the myths speak, they speak with many voices. You must indeed look beneath them, and you must learn to listen to the inner voice within that is not fooled by any myths. Now the vitality that is within him is expressed in a different way than you express your own and the terms attached to it. And the tales that go along with it are different than your own. But the true reality cannot be put into words. Neither words within your brain, within your mind; for the voice itself and language itself is bound to be distorted. The words are merely symbols for the reality. You need the words in your state of being but only each of you in your own way can search for the reality that has no need of words. The reality that needs no sound. And when the speakers speak to each of you in the dream state and in your private hours then they do not need words. You translate what they say into words, but the inner knowledge within you exists long before any alphabet was ever known. The inner knowledge within you existed before the nervous system existed, before there was a brain capable of learning language. And so let the inner energy and vitality then rise up and express itself. And open up those doors of energy. Do not close them down. All of the myths should float away, and all the debris. A man’s myths are like his clothing they are his own affair. Beneath the clothing is the person and the reality. And now I will let you take your break. A Seth break and a class break.
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Now the channels this evening to probable selves are open rather clearly. I would like you to follow then, to close your eyes. Now concentrate on the feeling in the back of your skull. The feeling is the important thing for from it the pyramid shape will of itself form. Now feel the pyramid and be aware of it. It will be different to each of you, for it is your own personal path into probable realities. I want you then, freely, to follow through it. Use my voice simply as a thread so that you can follow it, and it can bring you back safely but concentrate upon your own feelings and sensations. You should find the pyramid forming easily. It may seem as a path or a ray of light but follow it with full freedom and confidence.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
And the others of you will find your dream nights stabilizing. Your dream classes, therefore, will become more clear. The experiment that began as I said is still continuing and some of this will also appear in your dream state. Some other clues, however, will appear when you are wide awake and going about your daily ways so keep good notes this week and you also. Some other events that we have been working toward are close to fruition and next week you may find yourselves realizing what these are. Also be on the lookout for strangers that specifically approach you. Not strangers that you meet, but strangers that approach you where no effort is required on your part. This in connection with other people that you have known. So I expect you will have a busy week and I also expect that we will have a busy class next week. If certain watchers are watching you, as I have said before, there is no reason why you cannot watch them also. So keep your eyes open.
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