1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 14 1971" AND stemmed:our)
I will shortly let you take your class break. I have a few remarks, however. I would like to compliment your fantastic memories. On that particular Saturday evening you were all involved in the same dream experience, but each of you received your own messages. Some of you did not even remember that the messages had been given. Our cousin of Richelieu over here, however, did, and the message was repeated the following evening with a noted lack of success as far as memory was concerned. Each of you, however, received information, and some of you are acquainted with some of your probable selves.
Now before we go into the messages that you were given, I give my warmest welcome over here to our renegade from New York and this jailbird over here in the corner.
(To Arnold.) And my congratulations here to our African God for the dream which was indeed quite significant.
(To Joel.) You know I am going to say this to our friend of the idiot flowers over there. You are progressing well on your own, and the information that you are receiving is basically correct.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
Our friend here of the idiot flower, then look through and beyond Ruburt’s head and wherever that leads you then follow and follow in your own way.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]