1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session octob 5 1971" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 18 paragraphs ...]
Now I am going to do something here if you want to do it, and you must be brave and adventurous, and I am sure that you all are (much laughter). As I speak, I want you to allow and encourage—actively encourage— other selves that you have known. Let them come to the surface. Be aware within yourself of subjective feelings, emotions, or thoughts that may not be those that you identify with yourself in this time. They may be directed to others in the room. They may have no connection to others in the room; but I want (shouts) you to use the energy behind this voice for your own purposes. Let it call up from your own bank of personalities both those people that you may have been in those terms; those people that you are; those strangers that you are and do not recognize; or those selves that you may be in years to come. And let them, then, mingle in your own consciousness and become a part of what you are. Let your consciousness expand and say, “here, counterparts, I accept you—in love, in knowledge, and in understanding. Therefore, let me know what you are, and let me become a part of all that I am. Let this knowledge come, then, into my consciousness, let me be no longer divided.”
(Still shouting) I want you to feel the energy that is yourself rise up from the depths of your being and merge with the consciousness that you know; (quietly) and when my voice ceases its words, then I expect a spontaneous encounter with yourself and those portions of yourself that you do not recognize, and with others in the room. Say what comes into your minds; what impressions come, accept them. Let the room, therefore, be a meeting place of selves, a gathering together of selves from many times and places. Let the secrets of your selves come into your knowledge and into what you think of as this time and place, and let all portions of your personality therefore unite and meet here. Let there be a convention of selves from all places and times. Let this moment, then, be a center to which other portions of the self come and greet each other and say, “Hello, brothers, you are myself.”
[... 1 paragraph ...]