
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session novemb 2 1971" AND stemmed:now)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 2, 1971 11/26 (42%) bull pasture listen Gert silence
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, November 2, 1971 Tuesday

Now I am taking these off gently so you all can see, and tell Ruburt I will not hurt his precious new glasses. Now will you take them gently from me, please?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now the universe speaks in many voices, and it can indeed speak through a leaf if you have the wits to listen. Then you can learn much. It can speak in the silence of a room if you have the wits to realize that beneath sound there is what our friend, the physicist over here, might call antisound. That beneath the sounds that you hear there are other sounds, and I do not simply mean beneath the range of your hearing. At times you fill the atmosphere, as you think of it, with questions and with noise and you demand answers. Yet all the time far more important messages are there for you if you would once forget your questions and simply listen. Concepts that you have not thought of are there for you.

Now I have let you all play and it is good for you. It is like using your physical muscles, but beyond the playing that you are doing there are also more important issues, and you should learn of them. There should be questions in your mind besides, what was I in the previous life? How do I relate to others? How am I doing? Am I good or am I bad? Such as, what is the nature of reality?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now I will let Ruburt have his spectacles back, but I want to open you all up to those unspecified dimensions that escape your notice. I do not know whether you will have a class break, but you will have a Seth break. And my welcome to those of you who are new for the evening. I want to shake you out of yourselves for a change.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Gert.) Now, first of all, over here to our profiled friend you are already the self that you want to be so do not let it bother you so. Relax more with what you are doing and let the perceptions from the whole self become your own. You are making artificial separations. You are trying too hard to be too good in other words. The self that you are is already good. The compassion itself is already there so you do not have to work so hard to be compassionate. Simply allow yourself to be.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now I want you all to ease up and realize that you are also your entities now. The deeper self wants you to become familiar with its own identity. The reincarnational material is excellent, but many of you have been overemphasizing it so that it serves to set up separations within you, and you think in terms of separate selves and this is not the case. That is why I want you to be more open this week. To listen uncritically. To not set the bands or questions of any specific nature but to listen as you go about your day. To listen to the day.

Now what I am saying sounds extremely simple, easy, and it would make very uninteresting prose but the reality that exists within my words is vital and the reality that you can experience if you follow my words is vital. As our friend over here began to experience what happens when Ruburt leaves trance, so your thoughts leave their own pattern, and your emotions impress the physical reality that you know with all kinds of effects of which you are unaware.

I want you to settle yourselves within the moment as it exists for you. Do not take it for granted. Do not take anything for granted this week, either that objects are stationery or that time goes from one moment to the next. Simply watch the experience that you have and try not to transpose old concepts upon it, but leave yourselves open for the fresh experience of what is now. And begin now. Your thoughts, all of your thoughts at this moment, to you seem to come and go without a trace and yet they leave traces that you do not see, nor perceive, nor even sense, and yet if you quietly examine your experience, if you listen to the universe, you can begin to perceive some of these realities and that is what I want you to do. In the dreaming state as well as the waking state.

And now I do bid you all a good evening and yes, there is a connection over there (to Sheila) with the man of whom you spoke earlier.

And now I bid you all a fond good evening, but we have a question from our friend over here.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your perceptions were quite legitimate. Now I will end the session and leave it to our friend to end the class, but listen this week.

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