
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session novemb 16 1971" AND stemmed:all)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 16, 1971 9/58 (16%) Gert Jason Phil Bette Alpha
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, November 16, 1971 Tuesday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now, you have all been changing your relationships, not only because of what has gone on in class physically, but because of what you have been doing in the dream states. And as you know, in another layer of reality, this is the dream state, and in that level of reality I am telling you to remember your dreams, and I have already told you that this evening you will have a class dream session, and this is it. And in this level of reality, I am telling you that you will have a class dream session this evening, and in that other level of reality, you will remember. If you did not insist upon setting up so many divisions, you could see far more clearly. I ask you to do things  (to Gert) in a minute I will be with you—all of you, and some of you do these things and some do not.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

As you all know, you can become as conscious sleeping, and you do, as you are in the normal state, or now when you listen to me. But, if you go to bed this week each night with the idea that you are not sleeping in the terms in which you usually accept that term, but you are instead changing the focus of your consciousness and that you will be as much awake and consciousness, then you will become aware of what you do consciously when you sleep. And you can all  (to Sheila), all  succeed to some extent or another in this experiment, and anything you learn or remember, or take back with you, will be more than worth your while. I cannot impress upon you too deeply the validity of both these existences, that you consider dual.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

It is, indeed. And all are native to you. All are native to you.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

That is all I will say for now.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

I am saying in this physical reality you look about you en masse and you see a variety of objects upon which you all agree. But within that context, your experience is far different. Some of you find a joyful world, and some of you are pursued by evil. Your experience dictates what you make of the objects that exist as root assumptions within this reality. Now, in other realities and in the Alpha state, there are certain root assumptions like your objects, but you will perceive these again in your own individual manner, and you must learn to differentiate there as you do here. And some of you do not always learn how to differentiate. This is to you (Sue) in one specific instance, for there is one area in which you do not realize you are projecting. It is to everyone, but it is to you (Sue) in this instance.

Now, I am going to let you all take a break.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Now, all of you who come to this class, to one degree or another—to one degree or another have one thing in common—you are not afraid of the unknown. It intrigues you. You are adventurous as far as the unknown is concerned, and you are determined to seek it out and make it known. You are trying to do just that.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

... (Words lost) far as the inner self is concerned, for you must translate what you receive. You are more than you think you are. You are each more than you think you are. Then why should it amaze you that you are beginning to use and recognize some of the information that belongs to your entire identity? Because you give yourselves certain names does not mean that you are not one self. You are given names as children in this life, and so you give names to other portions of yourselves as they seem to become born within your psyche. And yet, this is all a portion of your own identity.  It is you. It is the voice that speaks within you, whether or not you listen, the information that is a heritage of your own, that is a part of yourself, that has always been with you. It is the self that was familiar to you before you learned to speak. The messages, therefore, come, as far as class is concerned, to this time from the entire entity, the inner identity, whatever word you want to use or coin. The innermost portions of yourself that is indeed a part of all energy, must be sifted through the self that you now recognize, and your job is to learn how to receive the information and how to open and use the inner self. But these are all evidences in your own experience of the multidimensionality of your own personality. You have the evidence within you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, all of this effort, in your terms, will be quite valuable to you in this existence, as well as in others, in your terms. But the potential is within you now, and the source of your knowledge is indeed infinite. It is only you who have to learn how to draw upon it and use it. And in your terms it will seem to appear at different stages. It will seem to... get better. You will seem to draw upon a greater source as you learn to use your own abilities. And in all cases, the ego that you know develops and learns, and this alters the nature of the self that you are now, and it changes the characteristics of the ego as you presently think of it.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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