
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session june 8 1971" AND stemmed:all)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 8, 1971 10/39 (26%) Davey Joel Oslo sway opium
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, June 8, 1971 Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now over here we have great energy, and because I am aware of your conversations, strong power that is being withheld out of caution and fear. You have a strong core of energy tested too early and not under the best of circumstances, though at the time you may have believed so. You are much easier now, but at the time, there was an explosion of energy on your part that you did not understand, and you were afraid that in this explosion of energy you would go too far outward and there would be nothing left, so to speak, that you would get away from yourself and lose yourself beyond all hopes of recovery.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now we have here, for all of your benefit, some examples, both here (Davey) and here (Mary Ellen) and here (Joel) of one particular phenomena. Out of humility I do not speak of myself.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Davey.) Now here we have a too early blooming of abilities before the overall personality was able to handle them, and we also have a great contrast in attitude for we have on one hand the determination to show up all fraud, and on the other hand, the fear underneath that our own experiences could somehow be fraudulent. And, therefore, you could not trust yourself and found yourself unable to continue. The dilemma came, therefore, and you avoided the field of endeavor.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

If you can sway others so easily then what is there to them after all, for you know who you are and what you are and you do not think you are all that great. If they listen to you like sheep, then how can you look to them with respect? How can you think they are worth saving? How are they worth what you want to give or can give? They are not worth the while. This is what you think when you put out this fine energy to sell a product (to Davey) and this is what you think (to Joel). Whether or not you realize it, your conception of the human race changes, for if you can mold another that easily then where are these fine abilities inherent in the race as a whole.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

It is a gesture showing my exuberance. It is not always appreciated, but I can make a lovelier (word lost)  and, as my close friends here know, it is also a very simple demonstration to show you that I am not a spooky old spirit at all. And that the emotions survive the body of which you are so proud.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Now I will let you all take a break. I innocently said a break, meaning a Seth break, which means that I was not stepping in on our friend’s territory, which is simply an “in” joke around here. Now sometime I am simply going to keep Ruburt in trance during your break, and then I will circulate among you and add my comments to yours.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You nearly ended up on the gallows in England. However, you were lucky enough to escape and spend your finer years as a contented potbellied old gentleman near Oslo. Now, the name of the town began with a B and I can only approximate it. Baenog—another letter and then oe, what you would call an outskirt of Oslo, twelve miles distant. Your last name, Bungannon. The first name, Thomas. The wife’s name, Sarah. And he left 44 grandchildren and great, great grandchildren. You had 7 children in all.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now I will shortly leave you, but before I do there is something I would like you to try. First of all, listen to my voice. Use it. Attach your own energy to it also. Let the sound of its energy rouse you from your own sleeping. Let it then rouse your own energy, lift you from your sleep. Energy is not only eternal but limitless. There is no limit to the energy that is available to you. Therefore, you do not have to worry that what energy you use is, therefore, denied you in the future so open up the doors within yourselves.

Imagine, if you must, that you have backdoors through which this energy emerges, fresh from the fountains of the universe. Now imagine this universe, imagine this energy connecting; focused, vital and strong. Close your eyes and imagine it in this room. Imagine all the energy that is available to you, here now, connected and send it outward to the woman in question. Send it through space and time easily through the vehicle of my voice. Use my voice, therefore, as a vehicle upon which unending energy can rise and let that power then of vitality and life and strength enter the body and spirit and mind of the woman and fill her with the feeling of vital life and give her the knowledge of herself that she now so desperately requires. Feel that energy glide as easily through the air as air currents; as naturally and as easily as the wind that feels both night and day. Feel it then fill her frame with vitality and strength and know that you have a part in this, and that through the part that you are playing are you also being filled with therapeutic energies and with vitalities that will rejuvenate your spirit and your mind.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And those blessings that I have to give I do, indeed, give to you, and those blessings that I do not have to give, as usual, you will have to seek on your own. And a hearty good evening to you all.

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