1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session june 29 1971" AND stemmed:repres)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 29, 1971 1/22 (5%) Joel beyond flesh kinda sand
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, June 29, 1971 Tuesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(To Joel.) I want to make a remark to you. Your image was an excellent one and in your terms it represents the characteristics of space as you might relate to it and also to those black pockets of which the physicists are speaking where all realities swooped into these, so to speak. But these are other dimensions of actuality where the reality that you know automatically is translated in different terms not, however, annihilated there as it seems, but translated.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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