
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session june 22 1971" AND stemmed:all)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 9/47 (19%) pot Buddy Ron destiny unoperable
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now I want you to take one other step beyond this. I want you to realize that you are indeed highly perceptive, that around you and about you in all directions the inner senses reach. That you are in the midst of other realities. You are in the habit of blocking out, and you are now learning to accept them; to open up your perceptions; to open doors that have been closed.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now I want those of you who can to follow still further, for we will travel beyond these fields of probabilities in which all times are born. Into another dimension in which times are not manufactured and moments of any kind do not exist. Into an immense system of beginnings that are beyond any beginnings that you may have imagined, in which all nebulous creations exist in incipient form. In which all probabilities exist, in your terms, as yet unborn; and yet in greater terms already being accomplished and coming into new existence. And you also have a reality here; and this reality, to some extent, nurses your own existence and reaches down into the system that you know, even though you are usually not acquainted with this reality. And this is only at the edges and the boundaries of the one system in which you have your existence. For beyond this, there are still other beginnings so alien that I cannot explain them, and yet they are connected with your own life; and they find existence and expression even in the small cells within your physical flesh.

And now I am going to ask you to return slowly back through these dimensions, pausing but briefly. I am going to try to put physical existence into a different perspective for you. You are all born into this time and this place.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You are teaching yourselves the value of consciousness and vitality and strength and life, by pretending to yourselves that death is death and that your consciousness will not continue and that your parents who die are forever still, by pretending that the voices you have heard in childhood will be heard no more. By pretending that when you breathe your last breath here, your consciousness is forever still. You are teaching yourselves the value of being, and you have chosen this context in which to do it. You have chosen for the unoperable intimacy of tragedy and flesh and pain in order to teach yourselves the unoperable exultant nature of your own vitality and energy and song. And these lessons serve you well, and what you learn goes out from you in all directions and each triumph that you make is not yours alone, but reaches even into those dimensions of which I have spoken.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Buddy:) The answers are within yourself. Trust yourself. Do not go running from teacher to teacher. All they know, teachers, is how to look inward. Look inward into your own reality, and find your own freedoms, your own truths, your own way, your own questions  and these will lead to your own answers.

Now I want you to do several things. First of all, through listening to my voice, I want you to be reminded of the sheer physical vitality that is now a part of your own being. The physical life that you do not understand, that is now the vehicle for the expression of your self. I want you to be intimately aware of it and realize that the blood rushes within your veins with as much force as this voice speaks. Then I want you to give us a brief moment while I show you, to some extent, the vast distances, in your terms, in which your reality has its meaning. The dimensions of existence in which you also have your part.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Seth:) I do indeed bid you all a fond good evening and the experiment continues and it will continue for the week while you go about your daily chores. Now there is nothing to prevent you from watching the watchers, you know, and this should intrigue you, and you particularly.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

([Buddy:] “And that is the answer to it all?”)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

([Bette:] “Last week you said that we are the black sheep of the universe and I want to know do all the black sheep of the universe have dimples?”)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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