
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session june 15 1971" AND stemmed:now)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 18/43 (42%) Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now and I bid you all good evening. I have only a few comments to make, however, but everyone, including our visitors, everyone who comes here comes for a reason simply as you come together in any context for a reason. There is a reason why you have been born into this place and this time as you know it, and granting that, there is also a reason why you have come here to this room as you know it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Joel.) And you do not allow yourself to remember that the Lady of Florence was a very strong taskmaster followed by you in China in a Ching dynasty. Or that you resented him greatly. And all the intricate reasoning that you learned at that time you now hide from yourself.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now these matters are open to you to a much larger degree when you are in Alpha, but I suggest that from now on you learn to utilize Alpha II where the resistances that you so nicely throw up in Alpha I will be to some extent disregarded as far as reincarnational information is concerned.

(To Sue.) Now I will tell you the full story but at another time, and if you have not already discovered it.

Now what you all do when I speak is recognize within my own vitality your own. For as I have told you often, when I speak, I speak for you. And you can feel as an echo within my words the energy of the interior self that is your true identity. And, also if you allow it, the voice can also be used to echo other voices that have been your own in other times and places as Ruburt earlier said. And it can also be used to acquaint you with the easy release of energy that is your own, and the free spontaneous joy of expressing it.

Why do you then hamper yourselves? The freedom is yours now, as available to you as it is to me, and easier for you to use since you are more familiar with your own body than I am with Ruburt’s. You direct it outward unconsciously as you go about your daily endeavors so easily and so automatically that the miracle of it escapes you. And yet, if you listen, you can hear the easy release of energy as the blood flows throughout your veins and directed outward for those purposes in which you believe.

(To Mark.) Now over here our friend, you are trying too hard and too consciously. Imagine a stream or a breeze and go along with it. You have it in your mind that there is some dam or wall that you must encounter before you are free to leave your body, and such is not the case. Allow your energy to flow freely out from you and you will flow with it.

(To Sue.) Now your friend was a jealous leader. A very good leader, but a jealous one.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You are forming the psychological bridge. Use it and allow it to grow. The foundations of it begin in one place and end up in another. It becomes stronger as you continue, and it can be used for various things as you continue. Do not require it to carry too much weight before it is ready to. Give it time, let it grow. Now Bill will become more and more Bill, less and less like Seth, more and more like Bill and then less like Bill and more like someone else entirely different. You are on a journey. The journey creates its own destination. You have a more solid framework now than you had earlier and you have gotten over successfully several pitfalls into which you could have fallen.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(To Florence.) Particularly for our Lady of Florence over here in the corner. This intellect will still be bugging you. I want you to know it. Settle your accounts with it now, and take it along on your journeys. It is you who keep your intellect in such a closed room while your intuitions want to give it more freedom. The divisions do not exist, they are mirages.

(To Mary Ellen.) And now I do, indeed, myself apologize.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now you have been given a small insight into the ways in which your inner memories work. You react to others, not only because of their position and relationship to you in this place and in this time, but because of memories from the past and, in your terms, because of memories from the future. For what you do today affects not only the future, in your terms, but also the past. And the words that you spoke now affect the past as you think of it, for time has open ends. Now if you think of time as a line, I do not only mean that time is open-ended at either side, you see, for time cannot be considered as a single line. Instead it goes out in all directions. The directions of which you can conceive and directions of which you cannot conceive.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Our friend, Joel, reacts to our Lady of Florence, therefore, as she appears to him now in this place and in this time, and yet he also reacts as a person that he was, in your terms, and our Lady of Florence reacts as a person she was, in your terms.

In larger terms, however, you are not only the people that you were but the people that you will be. So you are affected, again only in your terms, by your future reincarnations as well as your past ones. You can, therefore, in your present say something that will change the past. And 5000 years from now you can speak to your present selves and carry a message which you will now, in this moment, understand.

Now you can open yourselves to this reality or you can deny it. You can open yourselves in dreams and if you prefer, reveries, to these realities or close yourselves to them. You can with your mirror accept these other personalities, search them out and recognize them, or pretend that they do now exist. But this in no way denies the validity of your entire personality.

Now if you are going to understand human personality or deal with the psychology of being, then you must first of all examine your own being and you cannot examine it as you can a rock. You must become your own vehicle and travel through the realities that lie within yourselves. Travel through your own reactions to each other, and you will find the answers that seem to elude you. Follow minutely, even in class, the reactions that you have one to another, and they will lead you to inner pathways. Do not think: “this could be true, but it is fantasy.” Follow it through and see what you get, and then examine it. The answers never lie outside of yourselves. They do not lie in a Bill. They do not lie in a Seth. The answers lie within Sue and Bette and Mary Ellen and Natalie and Joel. They lie within each one of you.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now before I bid you a fond good evening let me tell you that those of you who come to class regularly and gravitate here, if you have not already discovered this for yourself, are the black sheep of the universe. You want to go your own way. You do not want dogma. You will not be satisfied with hearts and flowers. It is not an easy way, and all of you know that. It is past the time for you to be entranced by other personalities including my own. It is time for you to become entranced with your own personality. It is time for you to feel independent enough to launch yourselves from your own subjective reality into others; to emerge, to drop the paraphernalia of all dogma. Not for new dogma but for new freedom. Not to substitute one authority for another, but to allow yourselves the freedom to recognize that the prime authority is All That Is that resides within you and that speaks with your own voice.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now this is a big occasion for our friend, Ruburt, since his writing desk and all his materials are now in the other room. And as I always do to show not only guests and seeming strangers the nature of vitality but always to impress it as deeply as possible into your knowledge, then let me again remind you that this vitality is your own; that life, physical or nonphysical, is a full vitality that it is not necessarily quiet, that it is not necessarily sedate, and though my voice does not ring with the innocent chatter of children, that that same vitality that fills them fills me and fills each of you. That as you hear it here, feel it within yourselves. Let it rise. Life is not quiet, it is not sedate. All That Is is not some long-haired gentleman with a saintly face. And the soul that each of you believe in is not some quiet distant note far divorced from your own reality. It is a pulse that beats within you and the pupil of your eye and the big toe of your foot and your elbow. It is not necessarily adult. It is not necessarily dignified. It is the force that gives you all life and do not restrain it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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