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ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 19/53 (36%) Joel Bette divinity listen Astor
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Tuesday

([Jane:] “I think if we leave our experiences at face value, we’re not learning all we can. I think in that simple drama that went on between Bette and Joel, see, there’s all kinds of answers that we haven’t even begun to reach yet. And then to accept them at face value can lead us astray. A fantastic strength and energy in Bette over there, and in Joel. And to understand what they really did demands that we go beyond stereotyped conceptions. And that each demands on both of their parts great self-examination and understanding. To accept what each of you are trying to do in your own way .

“But I would think that Arnold as much as anyone else has been browbeaten by the stereotype. He wanted to speak for a personality like Joel speaks for a personality, or Jane does, or he wanted to get information in a given particular way. Where all the time he’s got it, and he knows he’s got it. But he just wanted it to come out in a particular way. Where all you have to do is say, you know, I don’t give a goddamn how it comes because you have it. Or where beneath your humility is a refusal to accept your own divinity.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([Jane:]) “Which is denial.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([Jane:] “ ‘Cause you all have to come to terms with the divinity within yourselves, some with the demon aspect, but with the divinity. And if that’s all you’re afraid of, then there’s nothing to fear.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

([Jane:] “Sue’s taking notes.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([Jane:] “Great. I feel we have a tremendous amount of strength and energy, and we can really use it now; much more than we could have before. But if you’re waiting for me to have Seth come through, you should be as anxious to hear your own inner selves come through. And if I show to you various quite different aspects of personality, then you should feel them in yourselves, because they’re all yours. You’re just so used to concentrating on this one part of you that you insist is yourself, that you are not able to make these shifts. Now I can make them. I’m learning to make them more and more. But you can also make them without any sense of division, with a sense of complete easiness, and that’s what I want you to learn to do. And I have taken away some of your comfort blankets, but don’t cry, ‘cause I’ll give you something better instead.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

([Jane:] “The thing of it is see, you look for wonders from me when you should look for wonders from yourselves. And there are wonders. You think there aren’t any. There’s all kinds of wonders from yourselves. Each one of you...fantastic. And with this thing I wrote tonight, I also got the idea that since we’re being personally addressed if we listen, that to some degree the messages will be different. They will be addressed to us individually, knowing our needs and our characteristics, and all this stuff, so you will get the message ...different. Anyhow, that’s okay.

“But I know, if I looked at each of you and the selves you think you are, with just the little experience I’ve got of the self I thought I was and find I’m not, that you have all kinds of potentialities right now, not that you necessarily have to wait for or work for or anything, but that you have now. And when you look at me and want Seth to come through, and when you don’t want to know what Jane says but you want to know what Seth says, you are denying your own reality. You are denying your own inner voice. Because you’re saying, well, Jane is just an individual, and she can’t know but Seth knows, and I’m an individual and I don’t know, but Seth knows. But without me Seth couldn’t speak, and without your inner selves you wouldn’t have the knowledge.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

([Jane:] “Okay.”

([Student:] “That’s good, but what you’re saying [referring to Jane] is true too, because looking back on it, it was exactly the feeling I had when I... Joel looked at me, I thought, maybe something will happen.”

([Jane:] “It was sort of sad because I thought as I watched you all gravitate, I thought, they look at me as uncritically.”

([Bette:] “I don’t think that’s fair to say that we all did that Jane. I didn’t. I looked. Certainly I looked.”

([Jane:] “And I don’t want Joel to let himself be set up either.”

([Joel:] “The reason that Bill didn’t come through a long time ago was precisely as Jane says, and I don’t care what anybody says anymore.”

([Jane:] “Joel  feels that need, see.”

([Bette to Jane:] “But you have said in class to Joel, anytime that he feels he wants to let Bill come through, by all means do it. Am I right?”

([Jane:] “Yea, Bette.”

([Student:] “I just wanted to be heard before we got off the subject. The class dream I couldn’t remember was precisely just what you [Jane] were saying right now, and I did mention something this evening before class started that I just remembered. Seth was speaking. He wanted to know why, just what you said, we all gravitate in that particular area; why we just heard one voice over another, or did we or should we and so on; just exactly what you said ...I told you before class started.”

([Jane:] “All I want you to do is if you hear your own voice, not to distrust it. I mean, why because it’s somebody else’s voice does it all of a sudden attain authenticity, where your own voice doesn’t? You distrust your own experience and for some odd reason trust other people’s, and this is what I want you to get away from.”

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

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