
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session juli 27 1971" AND stemmed:all)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 27, 1971 14/43 (33%) Maria Edgar scanned shove hypnotized
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, July 27, 1971 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I bid you all a fond good evening, and I do indeed have something to say. I do want to comment on your experience and your work thus far. Now, I am a very fine, kind old gentleman, at least in this aspect, so you need not be nervous. I admit that the circumstances, the voice, may make me sound severe. This is a matter of the mechanics.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Edgar) Now, and I say this with utmost kindness and good nature, you can tell Ruburt that you have no feelings, and you can tell the class that you have no feelings, and you can tell others that you do not care what is said or done to you, but do not tell me. Now in your position, you of all people, should recognize feelings within yourself, the effects of others upon you and be even more vigilant of the effect of what you say upon others.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now I bid you all welcome. I am sorry you are not moving tables for me this evening.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now I will let you all take a break. You especially over there (Sue) and you (Maria) and you (Joel), and you all know to what I am referring.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

There is something that you can do. There is something that all of you can do, and I have told the class this many times, but you tend to forget it. You can become far more aware of your own thoughts and feelings than you are now. Now you have much more knowledge available to you. As a rule you do not admit this knowledge. A truth about yourself will pop to the surface of your mind, and you will shove it down quickly rather than take advantage of it. I am not speaking now only to you (Maria), but to everyone in the room, our friend, Ruburt, included.

You can become far more aware of your own thoughts and far more aware of your own honest attitudes. Often you do not approve of them, or they frighten you, and you shove them down into the other portions of your mind. There they can indeed do damage. If you get into the habit, however, of tuning into your own stream of consciousness you will find the person that sometimes will seem quite a stranger to you. And that person will be yourself. You will not only shove down ideas that seem negative, however, you will also shove down feelings of generosity, particularly toward people that you do not like, feelings of joy because you feel too guilty to think you should feel joy. You will shove down all kinds of impulses, and so you will not know yourself, and you will block off impulses that you really should accept, recognize and admit as portions of yourself.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt will want to know if the door is closed, so tell him because I want our friend over here in the bridal white (Maria) to realize that each of you should realize that the energy and strength and vitality that rings through this frail form now rings also through that form and that form and that form and represents the energy and vitality that belongs to each of you, and you all have it to draw upon.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You will tell Ruburt. First let some energy flow through your own being and feel it refresh you and make you young and strong and vital and know that it resides within you all of the time. That you can rely upon it easily and with confidence, that it is yours for the asking, that it resides within you. That it is your right and your heritage.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now Ruburt is not invaded when I speak. He is not taken over by another, his individuality is not violated in any way, and it is very important for you to realize that and to know it. It will give you confidence in your own work. You are dealing with an old wise experimenter right here, and you saw what you needed to see. Do not categorize your experience. In this instance you saw what you saw when you scanned. That is all you should make out of the situation. The individual is inviolate always.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You must work that out for yourselves. That is an important part of the class framework, and if you are ready to work it out for yourselves you do so. If you are not ready, I will not tell you. This also has to do with other feelings on your parts here (Sue) and here (Maria), to some extent over there (Joel). And as you all know in this room when you feel ready to accept new experience and work it through, you will do so.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Daniel) And you will make out all right. Do not worry about tables chasing you about the room.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Seth returned.)If you are ready to tell secrets we’re all ready to listen. I’ve said good night before you asked the question.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Maria.) Because you have not read my book. I bid you all good evening.

You are in a trance state now, and you have all hypnotized yourselves into believing that this is the only reality and your constant suggestions continue the emotion, and that is the basis of your physical reality. And I did mean to interrupt you. That shows you I am gracious.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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