
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session juli 13 1971" AND stemmed:all)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 13, 1971 8/67 (12%) Ron proofs cards Tom suburbanite
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, July 13, 1971 Tuesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

And the time has come for you to experience fresh and new concepts and to find them within yourselves for the miracle of consciousness is your own as it is my own, or Ruburt’s own. You are each the miracles of consciousness, and those miracles occur within you constantly in your terms of time. Therefore, each of you possess within yourselves inroads, or if you prefer outroads, where other portions of reality and other selves merge and reemerge, come and go, materialize, in your terms, and dematerialize. The answers, as you know therefore, are not only within yourself but pass through you automatically if you but realize it and know it. And within yourselves you each possess in miniature all the properties of the universe as you conceive of it at this present time.

So what it seems to you or to your scientists occurs outside of you, occurs within you, and now. Not theoretically, not merely in intuitive terms, but altogether at once regardless of the concepts that you attach to the experience. This is what I hope not to teach you, but to lead you to understand and experience for yourselves. To understand that you are each at the meeting points of the universe and of experience. And that what you observe does not necessarily come from outside of you but from inside of you. I hope to give you the confidence to grasp the freedom then to explore yourselves, easily, freely and joyfully as one of our friends, the flowers, might suddenly choose to explore itself in all its uniqueness.

([Joel:] “In one of the stories that Jane wrote, the guy went down to the beach with the wind chimes and (words lost) tree and he selected atoms and that somehow absorbed them through himself into another system until there wasn’t any physical world that we know of left at all, and then as I recall at the end he popped through his whole universe and isn’t that somewhat the same kind of thing? He was the black hole for awhile then he ran around the other side of the set and became the white hole and the whole transfer occurred through him and the whole thing may have been a symbol and that this occurs back and forth and constantly in all of us all the time.”)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You always create it. You create and form your own reality, but you create and form more realities than you consciously realize. Now it is possible, you see, and you are trying to bring what you think of as your conscious self into some awareness of what these other portions of the inner self are up to so, supposing we call your presently conscious self your immediate self. Will you accept that phrase? All right. So we will say you all have immediate selves which deal with the here and now, in those terms. Now the immediate self can indeed become aware of other portions of your own reality, and it is up to you to bring it into line. To some extent you can do this, not entirely, but intuitively you can make great strides. You may not be able to translate the experience clearly, but you may be able to translate it capably enough so that you realize, so that the immediate self realizes, that it is indeed a part of other experiences.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now All That Is is as much in middle class America as it is in India. All That Is resides as much in the poor suburbanite who mows his lawn and has his endless mortgage as it does in a guru who sits upon his mat. The anguish and the triumph is in each of you. And do not yourself fall into the stereotype of setting the establishment apart for it is also composed of exalted and anguished individuals.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You are indeed. Playful creators always help. Creation is playful and full of joy but do not in your own heart set up any kind of social barrier. For when you do unknowingly, you do what has already been done to you and therefore perpetuate, to some extent, those stereotypes that so upset and annoy you. I understand your feeling and your sense of accomplishment but also remember in your heart that the most stereotyped unoriginal suburbanite, in your terms, has within him all the capabilities of which we speak so that you do not, in your own mind, set him down as a caste system for that is what has been done to you. Recognize in yourself the egos that you see in others.

[... 42 paragraphs ...]

My opinion is that that I have given. Had you come here, however, when the sessions had shortly begun, and Ruburt was himself looking for that kind of proof, the answer may have been different. It is what I have given you now, however, and I fear that like our friend, Instream, unless you change you will be looking for proofs that mean nothing and ignoring the inner reality that is all important and closing your mind to inner validity that alone will give you the kind of proofs that you require. They will come from the inside and not from skepticism. And then you will see them. For example, had your attitude been different and your whole emotional atmosphere been different, and had you in a mood of fun and free giving thrown cards upon the table when I was speaking and said, “Seth, what is on the other side of the cards?” you may have gotten an answer. But not in the framework in which you asked the question nor in the framework in which you proposed the experiment.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([Sally:] “Three years ago we went through all of this and it’s in Jane’s book.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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