
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session januari 25 1972" AND stemmed:joy)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 2/74 (3%) Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Tuesday

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

And the Sumari chants are to lead each of  you further into your own realities. Now you do not properly listen to what I say and if the proofreaders were reading that sentence they would change it to “you do not listen properly to what I say,” but I mean you do not properly listen and there is indeed a difference. So while classes are formally suspended I want each of you to read our class sessions. There are hidden clues for each of you in those sessions and each of you know it and I want you to follow them. And the absence of our friends is a practical absence and yet it is also a symbolic absence. Symbolic indeed of an absence in the past and a journey of which you are all aware. And a journey you have in one way yourselves all taken. I have been speaking Sumari English to you all along. You use language like a fence and hide behind it. And if you will forgive me, we are giving you one quick boot and we will leave the sentence there so that you will not be able to use language as a hiding place any longer. You will learn to communicate and you will learn not to hide within the highly specific and inhibiting nature of words as you understand them. You throw them around like a ball in a game. All of you. But if you want to know what we are doing with the Sumari language, my dear cousin of Richelieu, we are taking away your ball and that is why you all feel so uneasy. And suspense is the spice of life, so do not go looking for all the answers in one moment. You would be appalled if I gave them to you. I would be cheating you of the joy of your own self-knowledge. Some day each of you will say, “Aha, I understand. I have it.” You may forget what you had but you will know that you knew the answers for a split second, and the tiniest cells in your fingernails will remember. Far be it from me to cheat you. I am indeed leading you on a merry chase. All chases are merry. But a chase is precisely what you need. It quickens your psychic blood and makes you think on your own and it makes you wonder why you do things. Why you will follow our Lady of Florence when she gets up and says we are going to make a circle, or why you would be kissed by our friend here, the cousin of Richelieu. Why do you do what you do?

[... 31 paragraphs ...]

Close your bones and listen to the timbre that creaks through your (word lost). You have been in this room for centuries and while you sit here civilizations have grown together and blown apart. Listen with the part of you that does not know sight or sound. Listen with the part of you who knows... (Word lost). You have been here for centruies and as you sit here in fleshy images so has the flesh come and gone and so are you free of it and independent of it and not surprised by it or astonished. It makes no impression upon you for it has come and gone. And so as all things that have come and gone already begun and in their beginning they change and alter, creativity once more arises and you play your part in it and you find yourselves embarked in a new world, in new sensations, in new encounters with self, even though the sense even now passes away and you know where the future is behind you and the past that is yet to come for the past is forever as new as the future and in all things are there beginnings without endings and even your ideas of endings rouse themselves and can never pass away. Now, as always, you are as eternal as  you have ever been, as physical and as nonphysical, as real and as unreal. You are bony structures momentarily looking out through eyes and seeing through pulses, yet you form the eyes and the pulses and the worlds that make them possible and the dramas that so intrigue you from the past and the present and the future, and yet in all of these there are doorways, there are beginnings. There is (word lost), there is knowledge and in all ancient things there are beginnings before births, there are images before thoughts, there are gods within gods, there are paths that you (words lost). Your bodies are ancient. The bodies that you inhabit have come and gone. The minds that are your own are new. The selves are new but you have sat here for centuries, and in your aliveness springs the creativity from which all things are born and the joy and vitality that gives life to all worlds.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

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