
1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session januari 11 1972" AND stemmed:all)

ECS4 ESP Class Session January 11, 1972 5/22 (23%) chant Valerie reclaim Sumari anymore
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session January 11, 1972 Tuesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You know who the friend is. It will come to you. Now she wears another face, as you all wear other faces.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There are methods that you barely understand by which you give your bodies vitality and strength. There are ways and methods by which you daily send forth your image out into the universe. There are ways and methods by which you form each organism within you and those organisms that you perceive as outside of you. Hopefully you will reclaim these methods consciously and use them. This is the endeavor that we are presently engaged in. It will lead us into the heart of perception as you understand it and as you do not, as yet, understand it. It will lead you into the understanding that your hopes, as you think of them in the present, exist not only in what you think of as the present, but in the past and future as well. That you form the universe as you know it en masse and individually from the focal point of this moment, from the focus of this moment that all of your selves exist now and are not done and finished anymore than you are done and finished. (Very loudly) And anymore than I am done and finished. Anymore than my reality is no more than it appears to you in this room, for your reality is far more than it seems to be to you as you sit within this room. En masse and individually, as you know, you form the room, the funiture, the time, the setting in which it now seems to you, you exist. It seems to you that there is no other existence for you personally but this room and this time and this moment and yet, of course, you create it. You create the selves, who in turn create the images that you know. Within you this knowledge is apparent and speaks to you if  you would listen. You think that there is something very esoteric, mysterious and strange often in what I say and there is not.  What I say is as intimate to you as your own breath is if you would but feel your breath. If you would but once give up the defenses that you have set between what you think of as your intellect and what you think of as the rest of the self.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Where, from without, can truths come to you? They must come from within you. I can only encourage you to open yourselves to them, to listen; to be, to experience your own being. Not to experience your being second-handed through the experience of others or through the opinions of  others, but through your own experience and so I hopefully expect that you will learn these methods as  you get them here and as you receive them for yourselves in your own ways. After all this time you still do not personally accept the fact that you are, in your terms at this moment, the sum of your own thoughts and emotions about yourselves and that whatever you want to fix you can fix, and that whatever you want to change you can change. If you do not change it is because you do not want to change badly enough. No results are forced upon you from the outside. You form the outside.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now over a period of time you will all be given a series of sounds or a particular song or chant that will be yours alone and meant to apply to you alone. I suggest that you learn the sounds and say them to yourselves all alone. They may or may not make conscious sense to you. They may or may not sound like you to you, but I suggest that you pay attention to them and that you use them. I will tell you their benefits and meanings as you learn what they are, for I would like the knowledge to come from you. And if you give me a moment we will begin with one and you will always be told ahead of time if the song applies to you. I will not do the singing, it is not in my line.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

 The meaning will become apparent as you become aware of the melodies and vocalize them for yourselves. They are extrememly personal and tailored uniquely for you and that is all I will tell you at this time. I will also tell you that they will have a healing quality. I will keep other goodies for later.

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