1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session decemb 28 1971" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
But remember, all of you, that your reality is structured not in logical terms as you think of logic, but that your most chaotic dream, our redhead over here (Sheila), the most important symbolic episode and experiences that you have that seem so unstructured to you, and you do not understand them; that these have their own inner structure that is intuitive and you understand that structure very well whether or not you consciously admit that recognition.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
([Bette:] “Now when you talk about ancient tonight are you talking about before consciousness, like the physical reality that we are now? Is this the ancient that you are referring to or are you talking about ancient time as we know ancient time?”)
[... 21 paragraphs ...]
You feel it is right because you know that you are old and young, male and female, physical and nonphysical, because you know that you exist in your body and outside of your body and in many bodies. You know that you have a communion with the goats that you tend. You know that when you milk the goats, to some extent you partake of the universe of which you are part. You know that the milking is in itself a sacrifice. You know that the milk becomes a part of your tissues and blood and that you will, in your turn, return back to the earth and that the goats understand this intuitively, and that is why you understand what is happening in this room. But what is happening in this room happens all the time unconsciously within all of you.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
I bid you all now a fond good evening and I ask you to be adventurous, to be spontaneous, to follow the ways of your own consciousness. I cannot follow the ways of your own consciousness. Only you can travel that route, for there is no other consciousness like your own, and no one can understand the truths as you can understand them, and in understanding them you create new truths. Truths are not done and finished. They are new like the flowers that eternally grow.