1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session august 31 1971" AND stemmed:view)
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Now you form the physical image that you know unconsciously. Because you see it in a mirror and experience its reality you take it for granted that it is real. Even our friend, Edgar, believes that he has a physical body. As I told you I have some difficulty at times explaining to my own friends that you so believe such a hallucination is real. There are other portions of your reality also formed by your thoughts and emotions however, that are not so obvious to you. You are not aware of them and so you do not accept them as a portion of your own experience and yet they do exist. I am not referring now simply to probable selves. I am referring to what you may call freewheeling energy that you release filled with your own intent and emotional coloration which has a reality in other spheres beside your own. This reality acts within the physical fear though its main existence is not within it. It has therefore an electromagnetic effect within your system although you cannot perceive it physically. It is a psychological reality or a psychic one if you prefer. Now each of you, to some extent or another, build up such forms as you may refer to them. They are conscious. All form has consciousness. You give birth to them automatically. They are a product of your own psychic and mental and psychological activity and so they exist whether or not you perceive them. They are extensions of you from your point of view. They can almost be considered as extra perceptive mechanisms that exist apart from the physical one. They formed through concentrations of energy. Now when you use all of your energy to manipulate in the physical reality there is little left to form such images. When you learn through relaxation to accept life spontaneously and to trust to your own inner being then this energy is released. You become, therefore, more effective.
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