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ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 31, 1971 1/16 (6%) installment Muing Let Edgar Ellen
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, August 31, 1971 Tuesday

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Now I am going to ask you once again to close your eyes to follow me to the best of your ability. You do not have to follow me to the best of your ability. You do not have to follow me and visitors here this evening do not have to feel as if they must follow me. Allow yourselves the freedom not to follow me if you do not feel like it. Others of you allow yourself the freedom to follow me. Now regular class members are aware of the way in  which I use this voice. I want  you then to realize that the energy within it also is the energy within you. That is, you have the same energy within you, if you decide to use it you can do so. I use it only to show you that it is also available to you. I want you then to translate the sound of the voice into intensities of different kinds of perception. I want you to use the energy behind the voice to remind yourself of your own energy. I want you to open yourselves to the realization that you are multidimensional and to experience this multidimensionality in personal terms, not theoretically. I want you then to have an emotional experience in which if even only for a moment, you experience the fullness and vitality of your own nature and of your own identity. I want you to feel within yourself your own abilities and energy and power. I want you to feel it so strongly that the realization and the intimate knowledge will remain within you. Now even as this voice grows stronger let the feelings within yourselves grow stronger and let you feel your own energy from the inner self fill your consciousness and your physical being with vitality and knowledge and the joy of existence. Let the sound of the voice, therefore, bring out in yourselves the power of your own identity and independence, the integrity of your own being. Let it bring within you the memory of all yourselves. Let you then awaken to the selves that you are now. Let you become aware of your own parts, let the separated areas within your  personalities awaken to themselves and join forces. Let the power and vitality and creativity of the inner self within you fill you now with knowledge and creativity and the joy and essence of vitality. Let it ring throughout the cells of your body and dance within the cells of your brain. Let it uplift your spirit. Let it give you, indeed, a vitality and strength that will remain within you personally with which  you can identify and let it lead you directly to the inner selves that are your own. And now with a whisper I leave you to yourselves. Open your eyes to the room and to the time that you know but feel that vitality and know it is your own. And when you are dead as I have been, in your terms, for all this time I hope you can yell as lustily as I can.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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