1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session august 3 1971" AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I welcome those who are new this evening, but I have some remarks for our regular students having to do with your dreams. We mentioned sometime ago an experiment. Now the visitors that have been here until this evening had a part to play in that experiment. Other portions of the experiment, however, are concerned with your dream states and those individuals that you are meeting. Besides the associates and friends that you know in your daily waking life, you also have a quite legitimate relationship with people that you do not know as you go about your daily concerns. And you perform work of which you are unaware as you go about your daily way.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
([Gert:] “In the dream state, these strangers or associates, would we put on them a face that we would be able to relate to, say, a member of our family?”)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(To Bette.) Now to our friend over here who should understand the reason for the question. Now if there is any discipline that I would tell you to adapt, it would be the discipline of joy which is spontaneous and from which, initially, all creativity comes. Within yourselves you understand the meaning of the word joy, then you will find no contradiction. Sorrow of itself can be negative or positive according to the reasons why you entertain it. Detachment can be negative or positive according to the reasons that you adapt it. Joy, faithfully followed, can lead you to the inner vitality that dwells within yourself and, hence, to All That Is.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
I will bid you all a fond goodnight because our friend, Ruburt, is worried about the time. Also because I have said what I wanted to say, and I hope you heard our friends’ interpretation for it was a good one (Joel) and this was a good one also (Wally). I want you to stop identifying completely with the conscious self that you know, and I want you also to remember that I told you that though physically I may not speak to you individually in class, the messages are given, and I expect you to be expert enough to receive them. So if you feel left out it is only because you have not been aware enough.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Now you are all constrained enough in your waking state so I expect you to show some freedom in your dream state and to appreciate your freedom. Now there will be, as far as our regular class members are concerned, a particular meeting held that you will attend. Not because I say you will attend it, but because you have already decided to attend it, and I would dearly like to see some memory on the part of the conscious selves involved. There will be some probable selves there, and I would like to introduce you to each other. They will be here at class next week and before then I would like you to have some kind of relationship.
[... 1 paragraph ...]