1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session august 3 1971" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 23 paragraphs ...]
As so often happens you are each involved now, not only in this class, but with another. Now you need not close your eyes but if you listen to your own inner voice, and if you allow yourself the freedom, and if you understand the nature of probabilities, then as I speak and as you listen you can indeed, to some extent, perceive the other reality, the specific reality of which I am speaking in which you also exist as a group. And feel to some extent the gathering energy that unites you. The energy unites you here as it unites you there. The indirections of personality occur there as they do here but with some very important differences. There you can move tables easily and well. I would like you to allow yourselves the freedom of feeling that reality. It will add richness to the dimension of your own existence. I would like you to try to sense the similarities and the differences and particularly the differences in your own reaction to other students for there are some important ones. And in one of these classes you have been a member for some time (Margie), so have you (Wally). You have indeed.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
I expect you to release your own energy both in the dream state and the waking state. I expect that each of you will become more and more aware of your own uniqueness. Be able to meet and recognize the realities of your own personality. To appreciate them as if you saw them suddenly appearing before you. To appreciate yourself as you might another. To be astonished and amazed with your own individuality.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]