1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"esp class session august 24 1971" AND stemmed:erron)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 24, 1971 1/28 (4%) Juanita Mu Sue hear Sean
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 4 Sessions 5/25/71 to 1/25/72
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, August 24, 1971 Tuesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

It is connected with Sean, but it also has deeper roots. I will see that Ruburt tells it to you. This also has to do, however, with the fear of exterior stimuli and the basic fear that it will sweep you away, destroy your person and (words lost) of it. You have no security and these thoughts and feelings are highly erroneous. You have physical senses for a reason. They are to help you, not to hinder you. When you refuse to use them for whatever reason, you lessen your own abilities and your own effectiveness as you know, but this is not ever thrust upon you. This is a method of learning, and as you learn you will solve the problem.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

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