1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session may 4 1971" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 4, 1971 2/15 (13%) Ron tale strobe fable movement
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, May 4, 1971 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now I left you alone this evening so that you could think about your own experiences. But as the word evolution is the title for a fine tale with a little truth in it, and much distortion, so also, must the realities of consciousness sometimes be explained in terms that you can understand and in terms of your own time concepts. So what you understand of reincarnation, and of the time terms involved, is what you have been told so that you could understand it, but it is a very simplified tale, indeed. And again, it is a story, and though I have never used this term before, in class or in our sessions, and though I do not want our friend over here in the elegant outfit to become angry with me (to Sue), I will tell you that reincarnation, in its own way, is also a parable. The other word is a fable or a tale. It seems very difficult for you to understand the fact that you live many realities at one time, simultaneously, and since the time scheme seems to be such a reality to you, the multidimensional aspects of your own consciousness are explained in those terms.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now karma does not operate in terms of cause and effect though it seems to you that it must. Instead, you see, all your acts now affect all of your other reincarnational selves both, in your terms, past and present. Now you have settled upon one mathematical system to follow in your universe. Along with it you have settled upon one line of reality. This you endorse as reality, and anything outside of it does not have your stamp of approval, so therefore, it seems to you that it cannot exist, in your terms.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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