1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session may 18 1971" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Now each of you is a part of All That Is, highly individual and unique, like no other, and that like no otherness will never be taken from you. You will not melt into some great golden bliss in which your characteristics will disappear. You will not be gobbled by a supergod. On the other hand you will continue to exist; you will continue to be responsible for the way in which you use energy; you will expand in ways now impossible for you to understand. You will learn to command energy of which you now do not know. You will realize that you are more than you realize that you are now, but you will not lose the state of which you are now aware, and regardless of the fact of reincarnation and regardless of probable selves the unique self that you now call yourself has eternal validity even though the memories that you cannot now consciously recall will be yours in their entirety. And physical life in its reincarnational self is not some chaos thrust upon you, some evil from which you must shortly hope to escape. It is a particular reality in which you have chosen to know your existence, in which you have chosen to develop yourself, and it is indeed a system, again, like no other system, a unique and dear and beloved portion of reality in which you have decided to flourish for awhile. And in denying it, again, you deny the reality of experience.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
([Ron:] “Within this system of meditation you talked about the creative vitality and the creative energy, that the idea of the end goal is the identity of the source of All That Is ...what is Buddha doing now?”)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
([Ron:] “Then not everyone could return to the Godhead if the Godhead is conceived as an energy state.”)
Why could not an energy state also be composed of individual identities? Why must it be some blah? Why can it not be a psychic gestalt? Now, wait.
[... 65 paragraphs ...]
(To Valerie and Vanessa.) Now I have a few more remarks for our twins over here. You react to each other strongly. Therefore, the thoughts of one are picked up and reacted to by the other, so you can reinforce each other by sending thoughts of energy and encouragement. Now give us a moment.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]