1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session march 30 1971" AND stemmed:natur)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 2/41 (5%) ant revelant relevant cop answer
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The first question is, “How relevant is life?” And the second question is, “How relevant do you think you are?” And I do not expect beautiful sounding generalizations. Not only do I not expect them, but I will not stand for them. The nature of reality is now. It is within the reality that you know, and the reality that you know is a part of these other realities. Illusion is also a part of reality.

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

The most important is that which is before you most intimately and it is the nature of spontaneity. It is this force within you that gives you your life and vitality that keeps you alive and that allows you all to think these fine and weighty thoughts. The spontaneous self, left to itself, ideally is the answer.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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