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ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 4/41 (10%) ant revelant relevant cop answer
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 Tuesday

Now I bid you all a good evening. Now you have been running away from emotional realities this evening. I have a slight suggestion, this means that I have a question for you. Now I do not expect the question to be answered in a general manner, that is far too safe, and we are not dealing with philosophies. We are dealing with realities from which you may weave whatever philosophies suit your fancy. And the question you can thank a member of this group for. The question comes in two parts and so I shall expect it to be answered in two parts. The first may seem general, but it will be highly personal, and I do not ask you to dispense with any great personal secret this evening. No sacrifices need be offered as a proof of (words lost).  You can save them for later.

The first question is, “How relevant is life?” And the second question is, “How relevant do you think you are?” And I do not expect beautiful sounding generalizations. Not only do I not expect them, but I will not stand for them. The nature of reality is now. It is within the reality that you know, and the reality that you know is a part of these other realities. Illusion is also a part of reality.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now our friend, Ruburt, will shortly call a break in his class, and this will give you time I know to figure out what you think you will say, but when the time comes, I expect feeling to predominate. I will give you a hint to show you the extent of my great goodwill. Every breath that you take is revelant, and every thought is revelant and what seems to you to be waste is not waste.

Now I will let our friend call his own class break, but I will be listening to your answers, and I expect you to encounter the question in both of its parts quite honestly. “How revelant is life? How revelant is your life?” and I will add a third portion. “Are you more revelant than an ant?” Than an ant.

[... 34 paragraphs ...]

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