1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session march 23 1971" AND stemmed:side)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 23, 1971 1/50 (2%) Alpha acquiescence molecules atoms Unhinge
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, March 23, 1971 Tuesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now there are some physical mechanisms that will help. For example, when you are beginning, unfocus your eyes, let them go. What you are going to see need not be the physical room in which you sit. Unhinge your mind. Think of your mind as a door. Usually it is closed. One portion of it faces physical reality, ordinary working consciousness, and usually it is here that you focus. Unhinge it, let it sag on its hinges and glimpse what is on the other side. Let your muscles go, no one is going to attack you. Be open and receptive. The visual contact, however, is particularly important so that you let the eyes relax. The brain patterns automatically change, let them go. You do not need the electroencephalograph to let you know when you are in Alpha I. If you want, you may imagine a particular kind of pattern as being your waking consciousness, as in a graph with the very quick motions representing delta and then slowing out gently for the Alpha patterns, if you prefer.

[... 41 paragraphs ...]

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