1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session march 23 1971" AND stemmed:constant)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 23, 1971 2/50 (4%) Alpha acquiescence molecules atoms Unhinge
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, March 23, 1971 Tuesday

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

What you do in Alpha I, in healing, is already what you do unconsciously without realizing that you do so. You manipulate your own inner organs constantly. Your thoughts form their reality, cause their illness or their health, and in Alpha I you do this at a level of awareness that you can recognize. Until you learn to manipulate the world that you know, and constructively and creatively, you will not be able to manipulate the inner realities in which you already live but instead will be swept merely within them.

Now it may seem quite strange to our Lady of Florence to find herself within her body and working at such intimate terms with the physical matter of which she is composed, and yet you do this constantly. You are only now becoming aware of what you do at an unconscious level. When you work in such a manner, you are still using physical symbols. Because you feel you are in the body and manipulating organs, you feel that you are being quite practical. You can see what you are doing. You are manipulating in physical terms, but it should occur to you that you do not need the physical images. These are only methods to educate you to the importance of thought for you can perform the same without the images. Even in the body it seems to you that you need physical hands to manipulate reels, to change what you see when a thought would suffice. And so later on you will not need the journeys, but now the journeys act as educational television. Later you will not need them.

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

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