1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session march 23 1971" AND stemmed:"creat realiti")
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(To Theodore.) This will also help our Dean, here. (To Sue again.) For if your own fears for the individual become involved, then it is more difficult for you to perceive the reality. So, in your mind, step aside a few more steps, give yourself the suggestion that you will perceive the situation from another perspective. You will find then that the details become much more clear to you. Whenever you are working, particularly with yourself, this is a good idea. If the fears happen to be fears that you have yourself encountered, you will be drawn to them. You will perceive them particularly because of the associations involved. On the other hand, however, you will need to separate yourself then after the initial contact has been made. This is particularly helpful when you are face to face with the person for whom you are working for, you must not allow your own emotions to frighten them. Do you follow me?
(To Arnold.) Now where is our fond physicist in his red shirt over there? We will soon, indeed, have you probing into the guts of reality, and then letting the concepts come afterward.
Now you are beginning here an exploration, and it will be an individual exploration. And even some of you who have not before entered in will now do so. The exploration of consciousness cannot be done from the outside. It cannot be done from the safe but distant framework of concepts. You have to enter into the reality, and this is what you will be doing.
Now Alpha I simply involves one small step sidewards. You all enter this state frequently, but in the past you have been blind to the reality that is open within it. You have been given the package, in other words, but you have not opened it, so now we are going to tell you how to open it and use it.
Now there are some physical mechanisms that will help. For example, when you are beginning, unfocus your eyes, let them go. What you are going to see need not be the physical room in which you sit. Unhinge your mind. Think of your mind as a door. Usually it is closed. One portion of it faces physical reality, ordinary working consciousness, and usually it is here that you focus. Unhinge it, let it sag on its hinges and glimpse what is on the other side. Let your muscles go, no one is going to attack you. Be open and receptive. The visual contact, however, is particularly important so that you let the eyes relax. The brain patterns automatically change, let them go. You do not need the electroencephalograph to let you know when you are in Alpha I. If you want, you may imagine a particular kind of pattern as being your waking consciousness, as in a graph with the very quick motions representing delta and then slowing out gently for the Alpha patterns, if you prefer.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Now you are dealing with methods that have been known through the ages and other civilizations than your own have learned them, some have mastered them. You will not progress individually or as a race until you realize that you form your own physical reality from your thoughts and feelings, and that you can manipulate matter through you mind because your mind creates it. Alpha I is a very simple method of learning to control physical matter through realizing that you do yourselves make it and can direct its flow and direct the energy available to it.
You direct, not only your own individual energy, but en masse, the energy of the world that you know. In your dreams you try out probable solutions to world problems. The leaders that will appear to you tomorrow are known to you beforehand in your dreams, and when you recognize them in physical reality there should, indeed, be a great sense of familiarity for already you know them well.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
What you do in Alpha I, in healing, is already what you do unconsciously without realizing that you do so. You manipulate your own inner organs constantly. Your thoughts form their reality, cause their illness or their health, and in Alpha I you do this at a level of awareness that you can recognize. Until you learn to manipulate the world that you know, and constructively and creatively, you will not be able to manipulate the inner realities in which you already live but instead will be swept merely within them.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
You still do not believe in the reality of thought, and so you use your images in this state of Alpha I consciousness, but in some stages beneath you will find you can dispense with it. And in later classes, when you feel quite familiar with where you are, we will lead you all further...
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Now look at me, and I will tell you something. You should be in Alpha I. What I wanted to tell you, however, is this. As long as you believe you are physical creatures then you will deal with physical images. When you realize that the physical creature is a hallucination then you will not need the images. I am not telling you that reality is a hallucination. I am telling you that each hallucination is a face that reality takes and that within them all the nature of reality resides.
Now using your scientific instruments, to some extent, you can probe into physical reality. But using these alone you will never come to terms with the nature of your own existence. You will not be able, even in your terms, to feel it or to know it intimately, and as long as you are focused completely in physical reality and cut yourself off from your source, you will never understand the day to day existence that is within you that is independent of days and hours.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now as you sit before me, and I have said this before, you imagine yourselves to be particular people upon this earth at this particular time and at this particular address and cut off from any deeper reality that you have and yet, in your inner awareness, you realize that you are more than you know.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Now and I will close my Ruburt’s eyes, so that no one knows to whom I am speaking. Under certain drug experiments, and experiences, the memories within the selves rise up and shout. The structure within the neurons is no longer a dead thing but the structure is a reality that speaks; and the reality speaks quite loudly in terms of heritage, of experiences encountered long before your physical form knew itself. You perceive realities of which the physical form is aware, but the ego is unaware. Now these realities can become a part of your awareness without drugs. You do not need them. You need merely to admit the vitality of your own consciousness. It is your own.
No one, Ruburt or myself, can have the experiences that you can have with your own consciousness. No one can learn to manipulate physical reality in the way that you can or understand the nature of their own consciousness in the way that you can. You have a unique experience ahead of you that is yours and can exist for no other consciousness in the universe. This is your gift, and this is your responsibility, for if you let it fall by the wayside, no one can pick it up for you and it can never be replaced. No one can ever have it for you. The visions of reality that are your own can be seen by no other. The journey into consciousness and reality that can be perceived by you can be perceived by no other. The particular vision of truth that can be received by you can be perceived by no other.
There is no mass truth. There is only individually recognized and acknowledged and experienced truth. Ruburt once said in a poem that truth was not a great bread to be broken among many. It is a bread created by each, perceived by each. Your thoughts and feelings created not only this reality, but all reality. Then do not hide yourselves from yourselves.
Now I would not force you into any state of awareness, far be it from me. You are all in Alpha I, and I did not force you into it. Now bear with me for a few moments, realizing as you do so that there is in reality no distinction between the atoms and molecules within your precious bodies and the atoms and molecules that fly about the room quite innocently and free; realizing also that there is great space between the atoms and molecules within your body, and that if some very small person were flying through they would find your bodies as large as a galaxy; realizing also that the skin that seems so solid to you is very open, indeed, and does not separate you so much from the universe, as it connects you with the universe; and that there is little division between the atoms and molecules in those knees and those legs and the atoms and molecules that form the floor upon which the legs and knees seem to rest.
And now you are all in Alpha II. Now I would like you all to sense the feeling of your consciousness, realizing as you do so, that there is within your tissues, and within the atoms and molecules that compose you, a great acquiescence. Now for those of you who may not follow the word acquiescent, let me say there is then a great acceptance. Within each of your atoms and molecules is, indeed, a blessed and joyful acceptance of their own reality beyond questioning.
And for those of you who are following me, you are at the threshold of Alpha III. Now the acquiescence that dwells within your atoms and molecules is an acquiescence that has to do with creativity that knows no negation, that realizes, instead, only the benefits and the joys and the reality of That Which Is, and within this acquiescence there is no denial and no negation for all things are experienced, recognized, and accepted as a part of All That Is.
And for all of you who are able to follow me now, you can follow to the threshold of Alpha IV. Beyond this, at this stage, you cannot go; but recognize that you have touched your toes there, at least, and feel the acquiescence that is its basis, for that acquiescence is the foundation of all life as you know it, and all reality in whatever terms you will ever know it. And within that reality there is no negation, and all questions are answered.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
You are hypnotized, and you hypnotize yourselves daily, to believe there is only one reality, the physical one that you know and so I would call it, you see, a state of being—hypnotization, where you are freed from a compulsive demanding focus upon physical reality, and where your consciousness is allowed some freedom to pursue its own nature. Where you are to some extent if only momentarily, released from the compulsion to experience your own reality in terms of time and matter and physical form.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]