1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session march 2 1971" AND all:"all that is")

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 50/90 (56%) Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Tuesday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


And so, you must also go out, but this going out is a coming into. [...] It is one thing to project a god outward into another universe and then try to find it. You realize by now that this is a futile attempt, but it is also futile to try to reach yourself by imagining that yourself is somewhere else in another universe. [...] The self is as immediate as All That Is is immediate, and your quickest entry point is at the point of your present feelings and there is no other way, and the door to your feelings are open. [...]


[...] What I want you to do is to admit here the things that are important to you that you have not told. That is important to you, not to me, and not to anyone else in the room, but it is highly important to you. You all have more than one secret and there will be plenty of time for the rest of them and then you can dance through the grasses and I will lead you with a merry flute, indeed; and then you will not need me to lead you with a merry flute, for you will hear your own music and be able to follow it. These secrets, you know, very important to you, very important to you, are very jovial in the nature of All That Is and hardly significant in the nature of reality. Their importance is only in the secrecy that you have maintained and their charge only in the secrecy that you have maintained. It is time, you see. [...]


Now there is a point within each of you, at this moment, in this room at this time, that is a connection with all of reality that you can ever know and this point is a point of feeling. Not of words, not of concepts, not of trial and error, but the point of existence within you that is now present and of which you are all aware. [...] The point of reality within you that you try to escape because you are afraid of reality and unwilling to accept the responsibilities of it and so you form pseudorealities. [...]


Now, this point is within you at this moment and each moment and it is a point of feeling and awareness. [...] A knowledge that sings above nonexistence. A joy beyond all concept and its threshold is your own feeling. [...] To cut down the barriers, not between yourselves and others, so much as the barriers that you have set up against yourselves. To recognize within yourself the power that exists within you at any given moment of your time, and do not look away from it. To examine one instant of your feelings clearly, to some extent, is to realize what truth is and the truth is emotional. [...]


[...] You listen to the words and that is all, but the power behind the words, and the power behind the voice, is emotional power and emotional energy and it represents, again, energy that is within each of you and there is no need to be afraid of it. [...] And why should you try to be psychically educated while closing yourself off emotionally from the others who come to class for you all have put up barriers between yourselves. [...]


Now you are all out of touch with your own emotions. It is not so much that you put up barriers between yourself and others, but that you put up barriers between yourself and yourself. And each of you in class have put up paper people that sit in front of you, and you hope that the others relate to these paper people. [...]


Now our friend, Ruburt, is not about to go for all this sexual hanky-panky that is described in this precious book, but the man who wrote the book picked up his information from the inner self and then he made a story about it. And when you come to class from now on I will expect to find you all here, not just the physical self, not just the intellectual self, not just the portions of yourself that you term, psychically inclined, but the emotional self. [...]


(To Ned.) And no disappearing act will work, for wherever you can disappear to, I can follow and behind all your ostentatious openness there are closed doors. [...] There is one certain way to avoid detection by others and it is to appear so open that it will not occur to them that there is anything you are hiding, but you do not fool me. [...]


I suggest now that when I am finished, for a preliminary starter, each of you tell a secret. Now you may have told this secret to your mate or to those closest to you or you may not have, but one that is not known to the world at large. [...] Now some of you will doubtlessly choose secrets that are meaningless but even this is a beginning. I suggest, however, that you choose meaningful secrets for you will benefit. [...]


([Ned:] “You have to be sensitive, like you say you don’t have to be sad to be happy, but when you’re happy you have to be sensitive enough to realize that someone who is sad, that that is sadness. [...]

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