1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session januari 5 1971" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
Now the question cannot be answered simply in one evening, but each living consciousness has its own defense system and its own vitality, and you should trust your own. You do not trust your own. You cooperate together to form the physical reality that you know telepathically, through ways and means that are unknown to you. You weave these webs of psychic reality that then coalesce into physical reality. You do not weave them, necessarily alone, you weave them together. Your thoughts intertwine with the thoughts of others. You are responsible for your own thoughts. You need to learn the power of thought and emotion, but this should fill you with the joy of creativity and the possibility, not frighten you out of (words missing) of responsibility. Once you realize that your thoughts form reality then you are no longer slave to events. You simply have to learn the methods.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Now, Ruburt will not get his cigarette again, you see. In our sessions I have explained something that I have not mentioned in class and it is this— for every moment of time that you seem to exist in this universe, you do not exist in it. The atoms and molecules have a pulsating nature that you do not usually perceive so what seems to you to be a continuous atom or molecule is, indeed, a series of pulsations that you cannot keep track of. Physical matter is not permanent. You only perceive it as continuous. You cannot perceive the series of pulsations that make it up. Your perceptive mechanisms are not equipped to perceive it.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
In the same way, however, your consciousness fluctuates—it is here and then it is not here—but the physical self focuses upon only those moments when consciousness is focused in physical reality so your conscious self only has memory of the physical moments that it has known. But because consciousness fluctuates, other portions of yourself have memory of those times “when it is not focused in physical reality” and this is also a portion of your entire existence. This is not half as complicated as it sounds. Whether or not you remember your dreams, for example, a certain portion of you, under hypnosis, could remember every dream that you ever had in your life and so a certain portion of you remembers those nonmoments when you are not focused in physical reality, when your existence is in another dimension of actuality entirely and you were perceiving what I call, in your terms of reference, pardon me, nonintervals.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
([Gert:] “If I experienced at that particular moment, could I, if I persist, be able to pick up information that will help me. Have I been trying to hold this conscious level with the mirror trances?”)
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
And when you realize that you form the events of your life, in the same way that you form the events of a dream, then you learn to grasp a hold of your entire consciousness and to take a hold of the life that is your own in whatever aspect it shows itself.
Now, through all of this you must realize that you are not powerless and physical reality is a dream. You have created it, it was not thrust upon you. You can come to yourselves, therefore, through psy-time and remember also, that this dream is a dimension of experience and reality even if it is, in contrast, a dream in a higher level of reality in which you have your larger consciousness.
[... 1 paragraph ...]