1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session januari 5 1971" AND stemmed:time)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 5, 1971 17/80 (21%) nonintervals nonmoments Arnold spices Rachel
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, January 5, 1971 Tuesday

(Following a discussion of reincarnation, probable selves and time. Also Theodore Muldoon told of returning to his Great Hall, of the new tapestry and the new pulsating sensation of feeling.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your personality is truly multidimensional, and after you have been here for some time, you will realize what the words multi-dimensional really mean, for they mean that you are not imprisoned within time, as you know it, in any way. And your reincarnated selves, or personalities, are not imprisoned in their time, as you think of time. There is a constant interchange going on between what you think of as your present self and what you think of as your past self and what you may think of as your future self. And if this were not the case, then I would not be speaking here for I am not Ruburt’s past self.

Now, each personality is free and you are never imprisoned within time. Each personality is independent. Each personality, therefore, is its own man or, if Ruburt will forgive me, is its own woman. Time has open ends in all directions or such a thing as probabilities would not exist. Therefore, actions that you make now can help a so-called past personality. And a so-called future personality will step in and help you along your weary way, but also, your actions now can also affect the future personality as well as the past one.

Now, you must try to stretch your imagination and to feel these realities because the intellect alone cannot comprehend them. Now, psychological time is your best method for perceiving these actualities. You can feel what you cannot necessarily describe verbally, and know through direct experience what even the physical brain cannot describe nor comprehend, for you are more than the physical brain that you have now. I am no poet but then thinking of one of Ruburt’s poems, then think of the brain, indeed, as a web you form about the inner self. A web works to help you manipulate in a world of space and time which is, indeed, as nebulous and as precarious, and as delicate, as any spider’s web, and hangs indeed in as precarious a balance. You form this and then perceive the world, but your viewpoint is very small and the garden you perceive very intimate, but within yourself you have far greater abilities of perception and you are not limited to Wednesday or Thursday.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Teaching has been my main object but I have not always been a teacher. I was a spice merchant at one time. A round and fat and heavy spice merchant.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, all of your so-called pasts exist within you now, and you can discover what they are and recapture your own memories, but you are not imprisoned in time unless you believe that you are, and there is nothing more important than belief. There is nothing that can free you more than belief, and there is nothing that can hold you in bondage more than belief. For if you believe you exist only within the context of this life, that you are born only to death and annihilation, then you will not use your freedoms in this existence, and you deny their abilities when they show themselves, and no one forces this bondage upon you but yourself. To understand your multidimensional self is to use it.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Give yourself time and if you know he is there, what difference does it make if you see him physically or not?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And if there is any redemption, my good, holy friend, (to Joel) it takes place in each moment of time now in each day, not back so many centuries ago.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I am not cautious, I am simply realistic and when you understand the nature of reality then you realize that predictions of future events are basically meaningless. Now you can predict some events and they occur, but you create the future in every moment in your frame of reference, and time in your terms is plastic. Most predictions are made in a highly distorted fashion, and they lead the public astray. Not only that, but when the predictors fall flat on their faces it does not help “the Cause.” Reality does not exist in that fashion. You can tune in to certain probabilities and predict “that they will occur,” but free will always operates and no god in giant ivory figures says, this will happen February 15th at 8:05 and if no god predicts, then I do not see the point of doing so myself.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Many so-called precognitions are something else entirely different. Some, however, are entirely legitimate but oftentimes, the suggestion involved in a dream then brings about the event, and so it seems when the dream becomes real, that you have looked into a future that already existed. Instead, you have formed that event, but not realized the event had its origins at the time that you perceived it.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Now, Ruburt will not get his cigarette again, you see. In our sessions I have explained something that I have not mentioned in class and it is this— for every moment of time that you seem to exist in this universe, you do not exist in it. The atoms and molecules have a pulsating nature that you do not usually perceive so what seems to you to be a continuous atom or molecule is, indeed, a series of pulsations that you cannot keep track of. Physical matter is not permanent. You only perceive it as continuous. You cannot perceive the series of pulsations that make it up. Your perceptive mechanisms are not equipped to perceive it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([Arnold:] “Are these pulses extremely fast in our terms of time?”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Gert) These periods, therefore, of seeming disappearance and this is what you were perceiving at that time. My remark of bad eyes was a pun, therefore, that you did not understand. If you are using your good physical eyes you would not have “seen” a thing.

In the same way, however, your consciousness fluctuates—it is here and then it is not here—but the physical self focuses upon only those moments when consciousness is focused in physical reality so your conscious self only has memory of the physical moments that it has known. But because consciousness fluctuates, other portions of yourself have memory of those times “when it is not focused in physical reality” and this is also a portion of your entire existence. This is not half as complicated as it sounds. Whether or not you remember your dreams, for example, a certain portion of you, under hypnosis, could remember every dream that you ever had in your life and so a certain portion of you remembers those nonmoments when you are not focused in physical reality, when your existence is in another dimension of actuality entirely and you were perceiving what I call, in your terms of reference, pardon me, nonintervals.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

You did not die by water, but it was a past reincarnational self and you nearly drowned and you were pursued by sharks, but you did not drown at that time. This was off the south coast of Africa in approximately 1342 and it was not a galley but another kind of ship, a native ship, but with a high mast.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Using intervals and nonintervals. Now, our friend over here (Natalie) was using intervals and nonintervals beautifully earlier this evening, and to some extent, you use them in psy-time.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Now, through all of this you must realize that you are not powerless and physical reality is a dream. You have created it, it was not thrust upon you. You can come to yourselves, therefore, through psy-time and remember also, that this dream is a dimension of experience and reality even if it is, in contrast, a dream in a higher level of reality in which you have your larger consciousness.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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