1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session januari 26 1971" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
(To Molly.) I was telling you that it will take awhile to admit that what we are saying in class is a fact that applies to your life, and that it will take you awhile to become acquainted with your own probable reality for you have a very strong existence in a particular probable reality, and you are aware of it to some extent in some of your dreams but you often forget these. Now, you give a strong vitality to our scientist here but it is deceptive because on the surface, it is not apparent, and you have strong abilities and you are using them very well in a probable system of reality. Now that was behind my statement. You are not lost. I said it was not apparent that you were giving strong energies to your husband and that the relationship, to that extent, could appear deceptive.
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
If there is any sense of divorce between you and All That Is it is only yourself that has done the divorcing and it is quite an artificial divorce. You cannot stand apart from All That Is and examine it. You are a part of it. You can wonder about the nature of existence and about your own purpose but you cannot deny either, since you are alive and who wonders then about the nature of reality and your own purpose. Who is the self that wonders and where does it derive its meaning and its energy. The answers, basically, are not to be found by listening to me, although I can help you, the answers are to be found by listening to the inner voice within yourself. Your heartbeat has more to tell you than any philosopher’s word if you once listen to them and feel what they say. There is no reality within you that you do not understand if you open yourself to the feeling and the understanding.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The gods do lie sleeping in the grasses but their sleep is a very active sleep indeed, and their dreams have more vitality than you have ever imagined. And in the tip of your toe, in the most minute cell within your little toe, there is an energy and a knowledge and a power that you have not used and have not yet understood. And if All That Is knows what humility is, then it knows what it is to be the most minute cell within your little toe and it knows what it is to be the most powerful hydrogen molecule within the most gigantic star. And the same power is within each.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]