1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session januari 12 1971" AND stemmed:was)
[... 29 paragraphs ...]
You can, indeed, but do not deny the part of you that wanted to wring the other man’s neck. But you were so frightened of the thought that you immediately inhibited it. Now let us consider that thought and why were you so terrified of it. You were terrified of it because you are terrified of the idea that evil is more powerful than good, and that one stray violent thought of yours was more important and more powerful than the vitality of good. I am using your terms now. Now, say the following happened, at least you were aware of the thought, but say, in your terms, you progressed to the point where you were no longer aware of the feeling.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Now three weeks later we have another encounter and our poor ignorant workman falls asleep again at his chore and our good minister comes by and he looks and he sees the idle one upon the floor snoozing and he thinks, I would like to kick you in the you know where, but he thinks, oh no, I cannot think such an unChristian thought and violence is wrong, so before he even admits to himself what he feels and hiding from himself any acknowledgment of aggression. Instead, he bends down and says, my good man, et cetera, may you live long and hearty and God bless your life and then he pats himself on the back and thinks, I am growing more spiritual day by day. In the meantime, the muscles have contracted ten times because they could not be put into activity before, as the thought behind them was denied.
Our poor man again is aware, subconsciously of the intent, but only to some degree. Three months later you have had a really bad day and you are mad at life in general and now you come and find our poor friend upon the floor, this time, perhaps, asleep at a chore somewhat more important that you wanted done. Now, far be it from me, even in a fantasy, to accuse you of such an act, but you stand here and look at a slattern and this time you are out of your mind. But again, it behooves you to deny your true feelings in order to be spiritual, which is not true spirituality and you say again, God bless you, may you go in peace, and this time the psychic safety valve has had too much. Now the nicest thing that could happen would be that you suddenly blew your stack and kicked him. The worst thing that could happen would be that, once again, you restrain the acknowledgment of your feelings and the pent up and unacknowledged and perfectly natural aggression in the beginning that has now built up, is ready to explode and now you send out a thought form out of all proportion to any of the event that causes your friend severe harm. And all of this because you were afraid that one stray aggressive thought of yours was more powerful than the vitality that resides in each of you.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
([Joel:] “The first night I was here you said we will see more of you and you were quite definite about it, I’ve often wondered, why the certainty?”)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
It does, indeed, in your terms, but that knowledge is also available to you. Now we cannot cover one topic in an evening clearly, much less 101 topics. I am not Scheherazade nor am I a handy father image or a handy granddaddy image. In reference, however, to one remark you made earlier, you have always been involved strongly in what you would call religious endeavors in almost all lives. Those lives that were not involved with religious endeavors were religiously involved in the opposite endeavors, in your terms, and we will go into that later. The holy soul turned inside out is some fleshpot, let’s put it that way, but you have always been involved with questions concerning good and evil and you had two existences in two civilizations in Egypt. And in one of these your friend over here (Daniel) was involved. Now, I cannot go into that reincarnation this evening, it is too late, and you would not benefit from it for you are not ready, either of you. It is not a fascinating story to be told for your edification and enjoyment so I hope you will enjoy it when it comes, but it will help when you can understand it.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now, as Ruburt would call it, your sidekick over here (Joanne) did not go along with your ideas at all, in that life. She was at that time, a male however, and you were a female, and a priestess, and so were you (Daniel). She had an expanding effect upon your personality but you were very given to ritual and to a belief in magical acts and to the idea that existence in itself was evil and wrong and you were, indeed, a member of the sect now called Gnostic.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(To Joel)... she (reference to Alison) was a male, however, at the time, and when I said you were not ready I meant that you were not ready. In that time you were very concerned with the idea of power, and it is one that you are still deliberating with. Not political power but personal power and as to how far you should go to convince others of ideas in which you believe and how far you should go in propagating ideas in which you no longer believe. And in dealing with the sense of power that you also realize you experience in both instances. Now, when you are ready to deal with that problem, then I will give you the rest of the reincarnational material. And I mention this only to show you that I was not making an innocuous general remark to put you off. And now, dear friend, I bid you a blessed and a fond and a violent good evening .
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I do not think much of those terms either. Think in terms of creativity. Your last try was horrendous. And (very loud voice) I will not tell you this is creative violence. Now, the very sound of my voice, as our dear friend knows, assaults the silence of the room and yet it is creative. And the vitality that sweeps through this form assaults the silence and yet it is creative. And that is what I want you to understand. Good, in your terms, can be as noisy as I can be noisy. And guilt can be a very silent and quiet and passive and gentle thing indeed. And that is what I want you to understand. And now, after having said good evening many times, out of the goodness of my heart, for I am not weary, I bid you once again a blessed and violent good evening.
(Sally asked if he said he was or was not weary.)
I (very loud voice) was not weary but I was giving in to your all too human flesh. Now I wish you an active peace.