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ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 13/75 (17%) Joel Daniel violent Ned wring
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 Tuesday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

But I want you all to understand something else, and I have said this before. Our Lady of Florence, very nicely for each of you in class, personifies the feelings that each of you have, to whatever degree, involving your inner self. She shows them in an exaggerated fashion for you to look at and so when she speaks, she speaks not only for herself, but for everyone in this room including Ruburt. And now after that jolly little statement, I will let Ruburt hand out last week’s session.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now, our friend back here (Ned) could well appear, you see, as a UFO in another aspect of reality, and frighten the inhabitants. Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it is Super Ned. But you forget consciousness is the reality and the only true vehicle, and no part of your consciousness is imprisoned within you and it materializes in one aspect or another. Now, I use the word materializes because it makes sense to you but the word itself is distortive because it predisposes an appearance within matter materialization, and yet all realities, as you know, are not physical.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

([Daniel:] “I think I understand that all of these different levels of my consciousness then are being communicated, not only by me consciously, but also through telepathic communication.”)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Our poor man again is aware, subconsciously of the intent, but only to some degree. Three months later you have had a really bad day and you are mad at life in general and now you come and find our poor friend upon the floor, this time, perhaps, asleep at a chore somewhat more important that you wanted done. Now, far be it from me, even in a fantasy, to accuse you of such an act, but you stand here and look at a slattern and this time you are out of your mind. But again, it behooves you to deny your true feelings in order to be spiritual, which is not true spirituality and you say again, God bless you, may you go in peace, and this time the psychic safety valve has had too much. Now the nicest thing that could happen would be that you suddenly blew your stack and kicked him. The worst thing that could happen would be that, once again, you restrain the acknowledgment of your feelings and the pent up and unacknowledged and perfectly natural aggression in the beginning that has now built up, is ready to explode and now you send out a thought form out of all proportion to any of the event that causes your friend severe harm. And all of this because you were afraid that one stray aggressive thought of yours was more powerful than the vitality that resides in each of you.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

You should first of all admit that the feeling exists as a part of yourself, at the ego level. Be aware of your own feelings. Whenever you close your feelings off from yourself you are, in your own terms, less alive. Then, as far as is possible, communicate those feelings verbally in whatever way you choose. Use anger as a method of communication, often it will lead to results that you do not think of and, in your terms, beneficial results.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

It does, indeed, in your terms, but that knowledge is also available to you. Now we cannot cover one topic in an evening clearly, much less 101 topics. I am not Scheherazade nor am I a handy father image or a handy granddaddy image. In reference, however, to one remark you made earlier, you have always been involved strongly in what you would call religious endeavors in almost all lives. Those lives that were not involved with religious endeavors were religiously involved in the opposite endeavors, in your terms, and we will go into that later. The holy soul turned inside out is some fleshpot, let’s put it that way, but you have always been involved with questions concerning good and evil and you had two existences in two civilizations in Egypt. And in one of these your friend over here (Daniel) was involved. Now, I cannot go into that reincarnation this evening, it is too late, and you would not benefit from it for you are not ready, either of you. It is not a fascinating story to be told for your edification and enjoyment so I hope you will enjoy it when it comes, but it will help when you can understand it.

I am much more concerned, however, with your reaction to the material that Ruburt read this evening and with all of your reactions to it. Now if it seems to any of you that one class member is monopolizing a session, then remember what I have said earlier. The questions that are spoken here by one are the unspoken questions of many, and so it has seemed to many of you that you were in some way from your birth tinged by evil. And in one of your particular past lives you not only believed this but taught it, and you believed it heartily.

Now, as Ruburt would call it, your sidekick over here (Joanne) did not go along with your ideas at all, in that life. She was at that time, a male however, and you were a female, and a priestess, and so were you (Daniel). She had an expanding effect upon your personality but you were very given to ritual and to a belief in magical acts and to the idea that existence in itself was evil and wrong and you were, indeed, a member of the sect now called Gnostic.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Rachel C.) The girl will be all right.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now almost, almost all of those who come to these classes have at one time or another, been already engaged in such endeavors. There have been many other classes and you have all been a part of them, not necessarily with me but with others. You have long had an interest and so certain aspects will hit you all very strongly. You all know what association is, it operates not only within one life, but between lives, in your terms; so that words and phrases spoken now will trigger the memories but these memories will become alive if you allow them to.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I bid you all, now, and to our disappearing friend behind me (Ned) a fond good evening.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

... bid you to reexamine your definition of the word violent and all the connotations that you have placed upon it. According to your terms, God never would have created any creature or any reality or any universe. He would have been too passive to do so. You equate violence with evil. Now, when I speak to you, I do not equate violence with evil anymore than I equate a summer storm which is violent with evil. And that is what I want you to understand.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I (very loud voice) was not weary  but I was giving in to your all too human flesh. Now I wish you an active peace.

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