1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session februari 9 1971" AND stemmed:natur)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Now if you would each, for ten minutes a day, open yourselves to your own reality there would be no question of self-justification for you would realize the miraculous nature of your own identity. I have said this before in class, you are as dead now, and as alive now, as you will ever be. In life you can be as dead as you think any corpse is, by contrast far deader.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(After break, Seth responded to a question that was not recorded.) It means this particular personality, otherwise you lose all aspects of free will. You, as you know yourselves, only accept those suggestions and ideas and concepts and hangups that suit your purposes at this time. You are not, therefore, at the mercy of any neuroses from a past life any more than you are at the mercy of any neuroses from this life. There are no fears from your present life that you cannot escape and conquer. I have not said that you will necessarily escape and conquer them, but it is within your ability to do so. The decision is your own according to your understanding as the individual personality. You cannot be hounded from one level of reality to another by a fear that you do not understand. You cannot be threatened in this life by fears from your early childhood in this life or by so-called past existences unless you believe so thoroughly in the nature of fear that you allow yourselves to be conquered by fear. Each of your personalities are free to develop, to accept, from the miraculous bank of reality those experiences and emotions that you want and to reject those that you do not want.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
You have in the past, collectively or individually, to blame a God or a fate for the nature of your personal realities, those aspects, indeed, that you did not like. Avoid the temptation to use, instead, the word, whole-self, for the personality is given, again and this is not new material either, the greatest gift of all. You get exactly what you want to get. You create from nothing the experience that is your own, and if you do not like your experience then look within yourself and then you can change your experience, but realize also, that you are responsible for your joys and triumphs. And realize also, that the energy to create any of these realities comes from the inner self. The energy, but what you do with it is up to the individual personality.
[... 40 paragraphs ...]