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ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 8/51 (16%) wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 Tuesday

Now unless you come to terms with your own doubts about yourselves then you will have no idea what faith is and when I use the word faith, I am not speaking in religious terms. When you look at your physical reality and see what it is this does not take faith, it is a simple matter of physical perception. When, however, you begin to have glimpses about the nature of reality and realize that you are more than you know that you are now, then it takes faith to bring that inner image close to some actuality, in your terms. You are all hampered, in other words, by doubts. Now your physical perceptions operating alone are often responsible for these doubts for you think you are all that you can see of yourselves, or you think your life is all that you presently perceive of it, and so if you trust in your physical senses alone then you must, indeed, be filled with doubts for you know, instinctively, that you are more than the self that you are presently able to materialize or to give expression to. If you judge yourself according to the physical self that you know, then you must be filled again by doubts because again instinctively, you know that you are more.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now in world’s terms, you can be a realist and you can say, I am the self that you see and smell and touch. I am the self that I see in the ordinary mirror and that is all, or you can realize that the mirror only captures a small portion of your entire image. That there is far more that is not seen by the mirror, and it is not seen by other eyes and you can choose to bank upon those abilities that you know are inherently your own.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now I will give you some information with which you can confound Ruburt at our break. Yesterday, on two occasions, he was quite surprised, but mildly so, to find strong phlegm in his throat. On one occasion he was on the phone to you (Janice) and on another occasion he was in another man’s office. Now he worked with his pendulum and discovered one reason for the phlegm and the cough when he was speaking to you, having to do with the fact that his own writing hours were not done. But he did not search any more deeply than that. Instead, you see, yesterday on two occasions he picked up the fact of his father-in-law’s illness, the phlegm in the father-in-law’s lungs and eschewing heart difficulties. On both of these occasions he reacted physically to information that was psychically perceived and all without recognizing the stimulus or the reason for the physical symptoms.

Now the future, in your terms, to that extent affected the present but this is something that you all do all of the time. You must remember that there are no divisions between past, future, and present and that you do not react simply to the present. Your reactions occur in a multidimensional context whether or not you know it. Now you may all take a break.

It does you all good to think for yourselves in class and not have me around telling you how to think of time. Thinking should be your own thing and so should feeling. And while I have been egotistical in many of my lives, I do not need you all to set me up as an authority figure to whom you can relate so I would like to see some freedom on your own parts directed and applied.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Now all take your break but remember what I say is not general. I have each of you in mind.

(To Sissy.) He is all right. Go home and sleep in peace.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

Now I wish you a fond good evening, props and all, and I hope that you will look into yourselves and discover what these props are. A hearty good evening.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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