1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session februari 16 1971" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Each consciousness has its own responsibility for those thoughts and emotions and it accepts and originates. The personality in its entirety includes, therefore, probable selves of which you are presently unaware. This does nothing to negate the validity and integrity of the self that you know. The divisions are illusions and when you wake up to yourself, to your true self, then you are aware of these other portions of your personality.
[... 34 paragraphs ...]
Time is basically meaningless so that the question cannot be answered in the framework in which you asked it. Each personality to itself has continuous consciousness. Its consciousness is continuous and it knows who it is and it experiences no lapses. Do you follow me?
[... 1 paragraph ...]
To explain the analogy that is what I used, but the feeling of continuity is continuous. Now it is also true that for each moment that you exist, in this universe, you do not exist in it. This is not ananalogy but for you there is a continuity of experience. You only accept as real those moments in which you are aware within physical reality.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
([Nadine:] “Is it possible to experience some of these personalities while you are conscious of the personality you have at the moment?”)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
And I know I am only going to confuse you but if you have probable selves then you know there are probable universes and probable earths and probable histories of your earth and you see what this is going to do to your concept of reincarnation as you now hold it. So within the system that you know, you also have probable reincarnational selves within those probable historical earths. Now this does nothing to deny the basic integrity nor validity of what you may prefer to call the soul. It simply means that the inner self also is far more creative, far richer, and far varied and much different than you originally supposed.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
Now you can speak against the intellect as say, it is not good to be too intellectual and we must be intuitive, and yet you do not do it. And so it would help you if you realize that you are often using conscious thought as a blind to hide you from yourself and that there is nothing within the self that you need fear and that the true security of your identity lies within this inner self and that the abilities of which we have been speaking are simply by-products of the inner self, not to be pursued for their own use, but as natural to the inner personality, as hands are natural to the physical self.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Now I am going to say good evening shortly but remember you call this your universe and your reality and it is indeed, for you form it, and yet within you is also the knowledge of other great experiments that are being tried. And other probable systems are aware of the experiments that you are trying, and in your terms and I am speaking now in your terms only which to some extent means that I am hedging the fence, other civilizations have gone your route, some have failed. In your terms, the inhabitants of some earths, however, have succeeded very well and your future, in your terms, is not set.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
You think a thought and because you cannot follow it you think it disappears and you wonder where it has gone; has it fallen off some invisible cliff within your mind? But, because you cannot follow the thought, and no longer perceive it, because you can no longer hold it in consciousness, does not mean that that thought no longer exists and does not have a reality of its own, for it does indeed. And if a world escapes you and you cannot follow it and you think it has been destroyed, then the same thing applies to the world as to the thought. It continues to exist.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]